A few thoughts on the first couple Episodes of the game.
Okay so with Episode 1, things did not get off to a great start as Degei is like inactive central and Turukawa is not really doing anything too majorly crazy which is smart but not exciting to watch. Thankfully Masilaca has the characters, the excitement and the activity needed for a great season! Now let's not jump the shark here. I still think Legends could and will be amazing! We just have to get through these first few tribals and trim the sagging fat and craziness will begin!
Rudy rubbed people the wrong way on Degei and got himself booted and Evel Dave thought it would be funny to place a cardboard cut-out in his place. Hence they were exiled from their tribes but never fear. Mia after Turukawa won took Rudy back into the game this time as a Turukawan. I think Rudy was what was needed to finally jumpstart that tribe and with lot of twists coming, I think everything is about to turn on its head which is great because: I really feel so bad for Degei. They lost again in Episode 2 and voted out Erinn. I really wish Erinn were here because she would be legendary. And I think if she comes back from where she left, it's likely she'll be taken back in the game over Brenda and possibly do some MAJOR damage. Speaking of Brenda, I also feel really bad that her reputation is sort of playing against her. She's so
I can't even describe.
So after the first couple episodes I'd say:
Degei =
Masilaca =
Turukawa =
Sorry I'm not really delving into players as much as I want to but I'm rooting for the more active Degei members (Willard, Sarah, Sean, Christy), Teresa, Gina, Frank, Mia, Rudy, pretty much a lot of people right now. I'm hoping that list will be cut a lot shorter by the weekend when things are more compact and crazy as hell.