Episode 12

Episode 12

Postby Holly Hoffman » Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:48:02 am

Looks like I'm starting to slip already taking this long to post your new confessional...

Tell me your thoughts on the Taj boot. How do you think it will influence the next few rounds and ultimately, your end game?

Taj is the first member of the jury. Is that something you are now actively thinking about? Knowing every person you vote out will come back to potentially choose whether you win this game or not.

What is your strategy to make it to the end?
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Gina » Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:58:22 pm

OK imma ignore that cus I've got more to talk about

These people want to fucking boot RUDY of all people. RUDY. Why? If I had more time and didn't have to work I'd do some work to try and save him, but it looks like it's going to be Rudy and I've got no choice unless he wins immunity. I get that Sarah is a selfish player and won't boot Teresa, but why can't we just collectively say 'fuck that' and go for it anyway? This is going to be the moment when all of us on the jury look back and wish we hadn't let Teresa slip by this round. Because she'll have won.

I told Rudy to win immunity, and it's all I can do at this point. I'm so angry. I don't even know who to vote for. I can't give in and vote for Rudy.

I seriously can't even see the logic. There is no logic. If we're not going to boot Teresa, at least vote off Gregg whose actions you can't predict! UGH.
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