Episode 14

8th Place, 5th Juror

Episode 14

Postby Holly Hoffman » Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:58:19 pm

We're down to the final 9, the end is in sight and all you have to do is reach out and grab it... well almost.

What's your plan now after such a crazy tribal council? What moves do you feel you still need to make?

Time for a little reflection. What do you think has helped you get this far in the game?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Sarah » Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:38:34 pm

AM I A LEGEND NOW, PROBST? AM I? Or am I still just a poor little All-Star? Sarah's proven her worth over here, hasn't she? I said the first time around in my app that I'm a reluctant villain. Well, that's not very true anymore. I've gone super-villain here. I wish I had a mustache to twirl. I made a risky move that worked and it set me up in the position I wanted. I have a lot of leg room here and I've shown the jury that I'm here to play. I'm here to dominate now and I'm ready to do it.

We're down to the final 9, the end is in sight and all you have to do is reach out and grab it... well almost.

What's your plan now after such a crazy tribal council? What moves do you feel you still need to make?

I really need to figure out who my ideal final three would be. I need to figure out who I'll need to take out so I can win and I need to be the one to make those calls. I can't be passive anymore. If I want to win I have to call the shots... I plan to do so. Last night was phase one.

Time for a little reflection. What do you think has helped you get this far in the game?

The fact that I wasn't a power player in my first season and that I didn't have the Cacique twist to hinder me this time around.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Lindsey Richter » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:46:54 pm

What do you have planned for tonight and the future? You can't just dictate one TC and declare yourself That Bitch~
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Sarah » Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:06:41 pm

Lindsey Richter wrote:What do you have planned for tonight and the future? You can't just dictate one TC and declare yourself That Bitch~

Yes I can. I'm the one calling the shots tonight. Everyone is coming to me asking what I want to do... I take that to mean I'm in a fucking awesome position.
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