Episode 16

6th Place, 7th Juror

Episode 16

Postby Lindsey Richter » Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:28:22 pm

Wow, top 7! Isn't this crazy? Congrats on getting so far in a crazy and dramatic season.

After 2 boots in a row that were relatively unified, are you afraid the tribe will lapse back into insanity?

We're so close to the end now. Do you think you have what it takes to win? Who do you think you can beat? Who would you lose to?

Are the next few boots predictable or do you have your own unique plan in mind?
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Willard » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:52:40 am

This round is totally ludicrous. I feel like everyone is just really connected to everyone else and with two idols in the mix and psycho Teresa and Rudy still in the game, anything can happen. I'm being very careful with my words here to make sure I'm not the one orchestrating anything in case Teresa pops off again. But even still, I'm worrying I am going to be in trouble just because I DIDN'T say anything. My one saving grace is that basically everyone this round is counting on Cirie's vote to make anything happen and I really don't think Cirie would send me packing since she's pretty much the person I've trusted most all merge. So even if I do get caught up for not telling Paloma she's a target, I'm hoping Cirie can bail me out.

I do not think I have what it takes to win though. I think I have what it takes to get fourth. I think everyone sees me as too level headed and too positive of a force to take to the end compared to neutrals like Paloma/Gina/Cirie and psychos Teresa/Rudy. The only person I see as probably more of a social threat than myself is Frank who I think would beat any of us handily. Which is precisely why I want him to stick around.

The roughest part about this round is that I want Rudy out. He will only ever take a spot from me in the finals and serves no purpose any longer as me targeting him constantly isn't going to stop people from considering taking me out. There's only seven of us left. But, apparently he and Gina are super tight. I was counting on Gina and Sarah being super tight and Rudy and Teresa being super tight. Not Sarah not being tight with anyone and Rudy being tight with Gina.

To make things more complicated, Paloma just told me that she's super tight with Cirie and Teresa (who is being shockingly candid with me) is telling me that Cirie is probably tight with Gina and Paloma both. And I know Cirie is tight with Gina cuz she insisted last round that Gina would still stick with us even without Sarah.

Teresa is completely detached from everyone it turns out, but is also most likely to be immune this round. She and Frank are both very concerned that the other four are together and going to the end and are basically saying "I HOPE YOU HAVE CIRIE." And I hope so too, or else I have no endgame plan.

I've taken many gambits in this game.

I gambled that Cirie/Gregg would stick with us for the Teresa and Naonka boots on the other tribe. That failed and blew up in my face.

I gambled that Brenda would always do the reasonable thing and consult with me before doing anything drastic. That failed and blew up in my face.

I gambled that Sarah was tight with Gina and that if I made a F3/4 alliance with them + Cirie that I'd secure myself an endgame position. That failed and blew up in my face.

I also gambled that people would see Rudy as super tight with Teresa at F7, so even if all of that went to shit, I could still say "Teresa's the target with Rudy as a backup, we need to break them up." But now it looks like people don't even see them as remotely tight.

And worst of all, I legitimately have no idea what my plan is going into tomorrow, and I don't like to go into a round without ANY plan.


I mean I guess I have some plans. Gina wants me to go to F4 with her/Cirie/Rudy or so she says. From there, I presume she'd boot me and take the other two? Paloma just told me she wants to go to the F3 with me and Cirie. So that's something. Frank is super cool and I wouldn't mind getting to the end with him and he and Teresa first wanted to boot Rudy but now want to do Paloma. Gina wants to do Teresa (with Frank in sixth she said), which makes sense cuz that keeps her with the best options in the game, three different F3s at least (me/Cirie, Frank/Paloma, Rudy/Cirie). I hate giving her that power, but I see no other option cuz that plan with Teresa/Frank is not going to fly. What the fuck am I even debating for?

Frank/Teresa have no plan without Cirie (which is the vote they're counting on to boot Paloma or Rudy) and she is obviously not going to do that, she has more options keeping those three in too. She might go for Rudy as a boot cuz she's paranoid people see her as a threat (which she is) and she could get booted for Rudy at F4, but Paloma? No way.

So I guess that kinda makes up my mind a bit, I need to just side with what I presume the majority is and wait for an opening.

The reason I said I am getting fourth at best is cuz I will not be able to win the endurance immunity. I work all day. Everyone knows this, I say it every round. But that is also the perfect reason to take me to F4. And who knows, maybe I can heartfuck Cirie into taking me, or convince everyone her and Rudy are bigger threats? I think that's my best tact....

And no, the next few boots are not obvious. We are back to the part of the game where Willard has no idea what's going to happen and will have to bravely forge ahead on his own. Please oh please let me be right that I am the one Cirie is closest to in the game. If any gambit is right, it's GOT to be that one.
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