Final Tribal Council - Live Commentary

Re: Final Tribal Council - Live Commentary

Postby Cirie » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:20:51 am

Frank wrote:Teresa, I asked Cirie before you left if she was considering doing something else other than you, and she said we have no use for you anymore. She never said anything about flushing any idols. So idk who she was "expecting you to get votes to do it" from.


Teresa actually didn't want to include you in the conversation, so we could keep the circle tight and close. And I absolutely would have voted out Paloma that round.
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Re: Final Tribal Council - Live Commentary

Postby Frank » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:41:52 am

Cirie wrote:
Frank wrote:Teresa, I asked Cirie before you left if she was considering doing something else other than you, and she said we have no use for you anymore. She never said anything about flushing any idols. So idk who she was "expecting you to get votes to do it" from.


Teresa actually didn't want to include you in the conversation, so we could keep the circle tight and close. And I absolutely would have voted out Paloma that round.

I would've probably considered it if it was Gina not Paloma lol. But yeah that was gonna be hard to sell.
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Re: Final Tribal Council - Live Commentary

Postby Cirie » Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:29:49 pm

Frank wrote:Also, a lawyer at FTC is quite funny to watch. I'm curious for her other answers though.

Oh no! Is it going to be a Stranded rule now never to bring a lawyer to the final three?!?!
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Re: Final Tribal Council - Live Commentary

Postby Cirie » Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:31:10 pm

Brenda, it looks like I needed to bring my A-game and present a strong argument in order to sway you. Thanks for keeping an open-mind during the final tribal council! I really did admire your game and appreciated the vote from you.
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Re: Final Tribal Council - Live Commentary

Postby Lindsey Richter » Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:21:23 am

Cirie wrote:
Frank wrote:Also, a lawyer at FTC is quite funny to watch. I'm curious for her other answers though.

Oh no! Is it going to be a Stranded rule now never to bring a lawyer to the final three?!?!

I'm a lawyer too!

jk just a high school student </3
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