Becky Lee's House of Worship

Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:35:51 pm

Because every Asian needs their own place. I'll probably just do cast rankings here every so number rounds.
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:30:42 pm

My Pre-Game assessments:


Christy (morris): 5th place in her original season is an accomplishment, especially in Stranded so she has game. I've played with him once and he was very good socially and I'm also am familiar with him in some other games so I know he can bring it. I have no doubt he'll go far here, especially if he allies with the right people. I can predict an easy merge placement here depending on his availability, but that shouldn't be much of a problem.

Erinn (MPeé): I'm a huge Erinn fan. I loved watching her kick ass in Zambia and she was robbed of the win there, no fucking doubt about it. Then she kicked major ass in Refuge too although being more slightly UTR there. MP himself can be hot or cold. If he cares, he'll do well. If he doesn't care, he'll easily be booted here. He's one of the best compwhores I've ever seen but that really doesn't matter here in Stranded because a lot of the competitions are different from other ORGs. I really want Erinn to win this though because she's a badass. Don't let me down, gurl. icon_wub

Dave Ball (ublaz): I'm not familiar with Cambodia or him in general, but 6th place isn't a bad placement. I have no idea what to expect from him, but hopefully only good things.

John (xgigo): I'm not exactly sure what qualifies him as an All-Star considering he was 14th place in both seasons he played? I guess he was an interesting character but I still don't know if that's enough. I expect him to suck here too if his placements are any indication. He's Australian too? Gross.

Rudy (JaMalle): I'm glad we have someone from the original season to represent! 3rd in his original season and 4th in All-Stars? Ignoring the Superstars placement, he should do really well here. I'm a little familiar with Ja too. I know he's really good socially but I'm not sure on his challenge strength. I see him going to the merge portion, easily.

Sarah (Venezuela): She was interesting to watch last season, but horrible to play with in Crashcourse. She's a self-entitled, whiny bitch and that won't fly on the Legends side. They are more seasoned and will be annoyed with her fairly quickly. If she can team up with the newbies to overthrow them, she'll do good. But if the Legends get the upper hand, Sarah is gone early.

Sean (Venezuela): I was kind of rooting against him last season, but I'll probably root for him this season. He has game there's no doubt about it, and I actually think he's probably one of the few "newbies" who can really fit in with the vets because he doesn't have that self-entitled hubris a lot of the other ones do. I can see him ending in towards the end-game here.

Willard (Yope): Believe it or not, I have actually never played with Yope which is weird because we've sort of run the same ORG social circles. And while I'm not familiar with his Stranded history other than his placements, I'm rooting for him because I KNOW he's good. I'm rooting for him so hardcore right now and probably the most next to Erinn on this tribe. I know he says time constraints will hold him back, but I think he'll be fine.

Erinn > Willard > Christy > Sean > Rudy > Dave Ball > John > Sarah
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:48:39 pm


Ami (Brightside): Costa Rica is another season I'm not that familiar with, just bits and pieces but I know it's highly popular but that could be because of the cast based on IDs alone. Brightside is very good though, so I expect nothing but greatness from him here.

Brenda (Yog): The fact that she's already being targeted makes me sick to my stomach, but it's not really that hard to understand why. Brenda is a fucking legend. She's amazing....if there was a Stranded poster with the 3 best, she'd be on it. Yog...goes without saying. He's so fucking badass and I've played with him to know it. He can dominate all three components-strategy, social and physical and he makes it look easy. I am rooting for him to do it yet again, despite all the jealousy Brendangel is facing right now.

Erica (FaWa): lol. I dont really know what to say about Erica other than she is definitely a character. I've played with her a few times and there's no doubt she can bring the entertainment but I'm not sure how she'll do on the actual gaming part of it. I can easily see her being targeted for being difficult to be around. I don't see this ending well for her unfortunately, but she can always impress me. Plus, I feel the need to cheer on the only Madagascaran!

Frank (Venezuela): Brutually robbed last season although falling for the fake idol shit was gross. I think he will know that for this time though at least and I think he's one of those people who will learn from his mistakes instead of repeating them. I'm really glad he's getting another chance because I like him a lot and think he's very good at the gaming part. He was running his tribe last time and I hope he comes another HBIC this time. Of all the All-Stars, I'm rooting for him the most I think. Come on, Frank the Tank!

Gina (Venezula): There's way too many of these people here. icon_cry I want a Venezuelan massacre, sorry girl.

Katie (ERP): I'm not too familiar with her, but 20th in her first season? Ouch. Good thing she rebounded in Superstars and Refuge though.

Taj (Naz): Taj is another one of my favorite Stranded people, and I hope she doesn't have another meltdown. Hold it together, girl, P L E A S E. She's amazing and another person who can easily connect with people. Her allying with Teresa is interesting because it's two hard-headed people and that always ends in disaster. Teresa said something about Taj quitting for her if it gets rough and that's really disgusting, but Teresa is delusional so I can see her making it up. Naz...we were best friends in another game. I love him so much so I have to root for him here. Win this shit, boo. icon_wub

Teresa (Aras): I have no doubt Teresa will bring the drama. She's one of the most fascinating people for that reason. But at the same time, she's getting blindsided this season at some point. It'll happen. I love Aras though and he's really amazing if you take the time to get to know him behind the batshit crazy persona. I want him to do well here and if he can actually pull out a win? Fabulous, but the arrogance will be his downfall. Mark my words.

Taj > Brenda > Teresa > Frank > Ami > Erica > Gina > Katie
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:39:51 pm


Ben: I like Ben. A lot. And he can turn it on when needs be. I've seen him have some crazy outbursts before so that's always fun. I think one of his major criticisms is that he's always in a rush for a game-change and sometimes you have to ride things out. I want him to do well here though, and he seems to be situated nicely for now.

Cirie: Her history isn't that impressive, but she's extremely active and confesses a lot and I love that about players, so I hope she does well. I love how excited she is too. it's almost like she's in awe of everything despite being a legend.

Dave: I have mixed reviews. I know he can bring the crazy and there's game behind it. He seems to be a big target right now though, so we'll see what he can do.

Gregg: Whatever, I'm bias. But I love him and I want him to do really well here. He can be trolly, but it's brilliant trolling and you can't help but love him. I know he's an All-Star here, but he's a Legend to me. If he can find a good alliance to get settled in, I see no problems in him going far.

Mia: She's good. I know that from playing with her. She can easily become an HBIC in this and she's one of the more recognizable faces of Stranded I think, so that'll do wonders for her. I actually see her going deep into the game.

NaOnka: She can either be inactive or OTTcrazy. I believe her though when she says she's putting in here and I actually want to see her do well. She has game if she puts it on so I see no reason she won't go far. The only thing that will hold her back is her stubbornness and inflexibility to work with people who have wronged her in the past.

Paloma: She's usually done well in Stranded, and she co-hosted me in my season so only good thoughts. I dont know how well she keeps up with the alumni though and in an All-Stars/openID game, those relationships are always beneficial. I don't know if she has them so that might slow her down.

Patricia: Bleh. I really hope she's out early.

Gregg > NaOnka > Mia > Ben > Cirie > Dave > Paloma > Patricia
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:49:49 pm

Episode #1

Dave Ball

10. Christy: Probably bias again, but I know Christy can be a fantastic gamer. She's been a little quiet so far but that's not a bad thing.
9. Willard: He has a good head on his shoulders. His analysis on things is spot on and I love how he's treating the outlook of past histories.
8. Frank: How can you not love Frank? I love his confessionals, and he is my favorite of the Venezuelans.
7. Erinn: Bias? IDEC. I think she will become the HBIC at some point....this is her season to lose.
6. Taj: I love her, can't help it. She is already expressing doubt with her main allies which is never a bad thing. She's very aware of what's going on.
5. Teresa: same as Naonka. Get it, gurl.
4. Brenda: She's the most seasoned gamer out of everyone I think. Yeah, she's in trouble now but for good reason. She's a fucking badass.
3. Mia: Clearly the HBIC on that tribe right now
2. NaOnka: Get it gurl. I love how ready she is to just kill bitches.
1. Gregg: already making me laugh; please get your shit together though. I will cry if you are out of here early. icon_cry
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:56:13 am

Episode 04

22. Ben: GTFO! You are a waste of space. You shouldn't have agreed to play if you couldn't put in the time even if Jeff forced you into it.

21. Rudy: I just can't get invested in him. He bores me.

20. Cirie: She's just another person I can't get invested in. I love that she's eager, but I just think everyone else is more interesting and bringing something to the table.

19. Dave Ball: I know he's busy with some RL shit, but still. He's boring and needs to GTFO.

18. John: Definitely starting to impress me, especially given he was in a precarious position his first weekend here. I just like the other people on his tribe a bit more, but I can see him climbing if he continues to work it.

17. Gina: Her turning on Frank was kind of eeek. She's such a worry wart and I feel bad for her. I want to see her get a little more aggressive and since I think she'll survive Exile over Ben, this will hopefully be the push she needs.

16. Sean: Him in the challenges this season so far is just lol. Maybe he's still burnt out from Venezuela? IDK, but he just seems more reserved this time around. His speech to Frank about keeping him in the game was really nice though and I like that he shows he's willing to let the past be the past. Is this all strategy from Sean though? icon_surprised

15. Paloma: She's playing a good game so far and I think her relationship with NaOnka is really interesting given their early tension. I'm watching closely to see how she navigates this.

14. Patricia: I still think she is a terrible person, but she has game and I'm interested to see what people do with her. It's like they all talk about not wanting to work with her long-term, but it's almost like they have no choice right now. I can easily see her flying UTR and going far in this because of the hubris of some of the other players.

13. Erica: She thinks she's in a much better position than she is, but that's typical of FaWa. She continues to deliver in entertainment though and you gotta love her for that at the very least.

12. Katie: I'm extremely impressed with Katie. Having no prior experience with her and not knowing much of her Stranded history, girl is knocking it out of the park. Her realizing the batshit crazy women's thing is really bad news is sort of interesting. I look forward to seeing what she does with it exactly.

11. Mia: A fall from grace, especially given that Ben is likely toast. But she deserves it for that disgusting shit about keeping Erinn in over Brenda. It's one thing if Erinn was active, but she wasn't. I actually think she's lost a lot of control here, but she can easily get back into it if she plays her cards right.

10. Sarah: HUGE jump. I loved her in Venezuela but I think she's better here. Her cunty attitude reminds me so much of me in Madagascar. icon_wub Her public feud with Rudy was amazing and she is extremely in the right there. Rudy, you are extremely self-righteous and gross. Kindly fuck off. And I hope Sarah gets to put the nail in his coffin again. G E T it, gurl. icon_wub icon_wub

9. Ami: I love. What a fierce bitch. I think her wanting to work with Frank is hilarious and the tension between the Satan's angels or whatever they call themselves is going to put her in an interesting place. Like Katie, I look forward to seeing how she navigates that.

8. Willard: I can't help but find him endearing. I was worried how losing Erinn would work for him only because I think they would have complimented each other well, but he still has footing with the new kids. I really hope he and Brenda can work something out, because they would be a hot, hot alliance.

7. Taj: Just an epic character all around, every single time. Her paranoia and meltdowns are what make Taj so great. Her confronting Frank with the shit Teresa told her is hilarious and it's going to put a wedge between them at some point. I fear for her longevity if she spirals out of control, but I think she's going to regain her composure and I hope she does because losing Taj so early would suck.

6. Christy: Not surprised to see how well she's doing. I like her position in the tribe right now. She's in the crux of it all and people really seem to like her for the most part, and that's not hard to see why. I think she's a good mix of somewhat entertaining here but also a seasoned player. I think she'll breakout more in a few rounds, but playing very sleuth right now.

5. Brenda: She seemed to take her vote out a little weird, almost like she didn't expect to be lied to. You are one of the best players girl...of course there's going to be a huge target on your back! She can rebound though and I think Degei is the perfect tribe for that to happen. She can easily guide them on the win in addition to forming solid relationships with the core alliance over there. I see no reason why she can't outplace Dave and John at the very least.

4. Frank: Frank is legendary. He is so aggressive and I fucking love it. He is my favorite of the new kids (I don't count Gregg as one) and he delivers on all aspects. I love him pulling out the fake immunity shit and putting the fear into people. It did wonders for him because now people seem to want to work with him. Keep going, Frank the Tank!

3. Teresa: lol this bitch is so crazy and I can't help but root for her. She is edging closer to that blindside, but she has an idol so I hope she at least plays it right. She is by far the most OTT, batshit crazy person in this game right now. I hope she's not an early casualty, I'll cry. Even beyond that though, she's a boss bitch even if people are beginning to realize it. She got her way last night despite being paranoid over Frank.

2. Gregg: I love him. He's just funny. Voting out Ben because he's "Black" is such a Gregg move. icon_laughing In a game with crazy gameplay, you need someone who brings the laffos and that's him. But beyond that trolling, there's gameplay and a lot of people don't realize that. I love him. icon_wub

1. NaOnka: I'm just all around impressed the most with her. I'm hot/cold on her outside of Stranded and especially given her past history here, I never would have predicted she would be bringing it this hard. She is working all angles and I love how she's willing to work with people she doesn't necessarily like, because that's what a GREAT gameplayer does and is totally something I would capitalize on. And she's funny as shit with her constant bitching about things. Keep on going, girl. Keep on going.
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:15:39 pm

Episode 05

21. Katie: Frankly, I find her attitude disgusting. I think it's disrespectful to the host too. Even if you are over the game and don't want to play, there are less obvious ways of going about it. You were so excited in the beginning because you were in the majority but then once you experience a blindside, you get bent out of shape. Grow up, and get the fuck out.

20. Cirie: She seems like a sweetheart, but she wasn't really aggressive in staying. She just seemed to sort of accept her rate, roll over and die. Her wanting to come back to the tribe just to be voted off is kind of lolsy too. I will say, I loved her challenge trick though with embedding into a story. Sarah's reaction was priceless. icon_lol

19. Dave Ball: Meh. There's others on that tribe with potential.

18. Rudy: I'm just not invested in him. I find him to be incredibly dull.

17. John: I'm just kind of lost on him? I don't know. I find him hard to follow, and he's just dangling around there.

16. Gina: We'll see what she does with her new found life, something good I hope. It'll be interesting to see how she fits in with Sean and Sarah being they have the whole Venezuelan connection.

15. Sean: No change with him either. He's playing a lot less aggressively this season, but I think he's also in a spot where he doesn't have to be. I think he's very well situated within his tribe though. Yeah, Brenda knows of his game because she co-hosted him last season, but I still think he has the personality to carry him a bit. I don't think he'll be in danger anytime soon.

14. Paloma: Not much going on here, but Turukawa has sort of fizzled for a while so we'll see.

13. Mia: She seems to have lost some life without Ben. I hope she recovers and gets her head back in the game because she's a really solid player. She has dropped a lot in status though from those early days, and it sucks Ben sort of fucked her on that front.

12. Patricia: I love her confessionals. They're hilarious, but also filled with some great shit. I think she's one of the more self-aware players at this point. I still think her lack of connections with others on the other tribes will hurt though, especially given a swap.

11. Erica: lol she's so fucking entertaining. Her reactions at tribal last night were gold, and I love her stupid feud with Brenda. Girllll, plz.

10. Willard: I just can't help but love the guy. He's sort of cruise control right now and doesn't have to step it up too much. I know he talks about this pseudo rivalry with Brenda, but it just seems like it's not much of a factor here, especially given they want to add Brenda to their core.

9. Ami: Open-ID/All-Star games are never easy. There's so much hubris from past seasons/out of ORG shit (although I think this cast has actually been able to minimize that a lot here) that it's hard. But you signed up for it. This is not Costa Rica. This is a hardcore, all-out-war and Ami should sort of known that given her ID. I hate how stressed she is, but I hope she rolls with it and keeps going because she is a fantastic star here. I love her and she needs to turn that frown upside down. icon_wub

8. Taj: She is delivering hard here in terms of entertainment. I love how she talks about how frustrated she is with Teresa and her antics, but she still gives into her. Every single time. Yeah, their friendship plays a huge role in that but it's almost like Taj has no backbone. I love her and her cynical attitude though.

7. Sarah: Movin on up gurll. I'm really impressed with her here and I see a big change from Venezuela already. Her snark also seems a bit more sophisticated? I loved her !hot tamale! freakout on Cirie.

6. Christy: The star of the challenge two nights in a row? Werk! I also love that she's taking Brenda in and the reason makes me feel -almost- a little sad because it's almost like she looks up to her. I've had people tell me that before and it's really flattering. I think she's quite possibly playing the best game on Da Gays and she has just an all-around positive attitude about shit. I love. icon_wub

5. Brenda: You just can't help but find Brenda endearing. I was a little worried about her initial approach to not doing anything, but she stepped it up and is now working on assimilating in. I think her approach on laying everything from the Venezuelan cast out on the table is interesting and I'm curious to see what Willard/Christy do with that because that IS important, especially with three of them now on that tribe. Yeah, there's a sort of merger coming up or dissolve but if they get Gina/Frank there too....eek.

4. Gregg: Still the funniest fucker here. He's owning so hard and his game is so undervalued its ridiculous.

3. Frank: Him not believing the idol was real was HI-LA-RI-OUS. Jeff really does take a hard hit there. But you have to love Frank. He is 10x the man he was in Africa and I love reading his confessionals and I love rooting for him. His rivalry with Teresa may be one of Stranded's best? I just find him extremely rootable and I do NOT want to see him go anytime soon.

2. NaOnka: Still owning on all fronts. She has that tribe by the balls and this is really Foie at his best. I just hope, hope, hope he doesn't get bored and keeps it up because I can see him making the end-game here. Like Teresa, her interactions with other members outside of her original tribe is going to be hella interesting to watch when it happens because people know she's crazy and I mean that in the best way possible.

1. Teresa: Her idol play on Katie was ah-mazing. I hate idols too so part of me feels Katie's frustrations, but the way Teresa is such a bitch about it is hilarious. She is such a boss bitch and I hope it doesn't fuck her over, especially with all the Mascilaca's staying in the game (although GTFO Katie). She doesn't back down either. As soon as one target is gone, she goes right for the kill with the next. LOVE. LOVE. icon_wub
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:11:27 pm



10. Rudy: Ugh. HATE this fuck. And I'm so annoyed by his constant use of Teresa's whoeverthefucksheis GIFs and I'm not the only one. Die in a million fires, asshole.

9. Sean: He just seems to have lost a lot of steam from Venezuela. I dunno. I like him, but he's kind of boring so I don't care if he goes.

8. Mia: I appreciate her for trying to game. This is Legends after all, and she couldn't have really expected people who she thought were friends would throw her under the bus. lol @ her losing all her RL friends though...Ben, and now possibly Sean? I just don't see her recovering her from this even if she makes it to a merge. I think she's on thin ice here.

7. Patricia: I'm glad her alliance is in the minority here (I think?) because they just aren't bringing it. She's a good gamer so I think she'll be able to work herself into things, but I dunno.

6. Erica: Gurrlllll, trainwreck. icon_wub But in the best way possible. I've played with Erica so I know how hilarious she can be. Her wanting to go against the Satanic sisters but then working with them is hilarious and sooooo Erica. I know she also hates game-bots, but she's allied with some of the biggest ones. icon_laughing

5. Ami: She just didn't confess at the time of me writing this, so that's why she's here. I know she's likely with her Coven trio, but I want to know more girl.

4. Christy: Eeek. She's in a lot more trouble than I had hoped. But I know she's a solid gamer, so she can also come out of this like Patricia but she's in a very precarious position. All her friends are on the other side and she's about to lose Sean, so this will be interesting for her. Stay strong. icon_cry

3. Taj: I love. I love. Her stressing out is soooo Orz to a tee, but that's why I love her. She's an emotional player and I've been there before gurl. She is living up to her reputation as a Stranded goddess. I love her interactions with Brenda and I think they are the pair I am rooting for the most to get the necklaces.

2. NaOnka: I am still loving her, and I can't wait for her OTTN breakout episode, because I feel like it's coming. I miss her and Greg being on the same team because the Gnarls/Foie dynamic is really good. I like her position within the new tribe though and her hating on Patricia is hilarious to me.

1. Teresa: G E T I T, G I R L! These people not targeting her are so stupid. Don't get me wrong, I love her and want her around for entertainment purposes, but it's just funny to watch. I would have allied with her if I was playing too, but it's funny watching people who don't like with her? Amazing. Keep owning shit gurl.


10. Dave Ball: GTFO.

9. Gina: I'm just not feeling her that much, but she's definitely stepped up her game. I feel like she might make some colossal boneheaded move soon just reading her confessional...she's sort of all over the map with what she wants? It will fuck her over.

8. Cirie: Good insight and I like her outcast alliance with Brenda and Gina. I think it's smart, especially since they are now more aware of their positions on their original tribes. I just hope she doesn't go for Gregg.

7. John: I can also appreciate what he's bringing to the table and I do LOVE the fact that he's trying to make big moves despite the numbers not being there. I just love everyone else more.

6. Paloma: Her game is interesting...going back to the first few days where there was beef with her and Nay. She's another one who seizes opportunity but I also think she's in dark waters because most people see her as being transparent. I know Brenda said she likes her, but I'm not even sure if Brenda would care cutting her loose soon? Especially if Christy gets fucked.

5. Willard: I know he's kind of "boring" right now, but I still like him and am rooting for him. Is it ID bias? Maybe. I dunno.

4. Sarah: I just love her and her attitude towards the game. She cares so much about doing this so that is always a good thing. I love passionate players. I also think her and Teresa is a hella interesting combo knowing both of their volatile personalities. I am rooting for them so hardcore right now.

3. Gregg: Consistently bringing the laffos. I love him.

2. Brenda: She just continually proves why she's so bad-ass. Her confessional is detailed which helps raise her stock with me. I also like that she's a player who thinks before she acts. Yeah, she pushes her agenda but she does it in a non-confrontational way compared to Teresa.

1. Frank: God, I love him. He is the only "newbie" sans Sarah that I am rooting for her like legit hardcore. He has stepped this up 10x and he's just so fascinating to watch. I am sad I missed the opportunity to play with him. icon_cry
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:21:33 pm


17. Rudy: He's not going anywhere anytime soon is he? He is ruining this season for me. I can't wait for his second boot.

16. Cirie: I'm not really sure how I feel about her. I don't think I would care if she left again.

15. Gina: Same as Cirie.

14. Patricia: I think she's in a good position, but I'm just not full on rooting for her. I can't wait for her to go.

13. Paloma: She's fun, and I like her spunk. I just feel more strongly about some of the others.

12. John: lol this guy is a mess, and I mean that in a good way. He keeps on chugging through, but it would be interesting to see what would happen with him if there are a few losses on Turukawa. He had some good plans beforehand, and I'd like to see him execute on them now that he has more numbers.

11. Mia: At least she's getting back into the game. I was worried she lost some of her drive, but hopefully with the mutiny, her spirits are lifted and she can get back into her amazingness that was there in the first few days.

10. Willard: The calm before the storm. icon_surprised

9. Ami: It sucks she's sort of losing interesting...I agree, openID gets the best of you sometimes, but hold it together gurl! I have faith in you, and you guys can always turn this around by exploiting the right numbers.

8. Erica: She's just "lol" at this point, and I mean that in a good way. Her going off at Tribal last night was hilarious and so self-righteous. You can rule her out as winning this game at this point, and it looks like some of the other players are just tired of her at this point. I predict she's dead tonight based on latest updates.

7. Sarah: The claims about her having a shitty social game are kind of interesting because I didn't experience that in Barbados, and I don't think anyone complained about that in Venezuela. Her leaving this game when there is so much fodder is kind of depressing. Her partnership with Teresa remains hilarious and I like her attitude. Stay strong, girl.

6. Gregg: Still delivering the lols. I also love his shit with Rudy (I dont even know if that hate is real of manufactured?), but still putting the fear of God in Rudy, I love. It's also like people see him as a quiet threat, but they almost don't want to move on it just yet. The guy is good.

5. Brenda: A goddess, duh. I love her and Frank on Turukawa and I think they are in a great position of power, especially given there is a lot of fodder there. I just think she also has a natural charisma about her that makes you want to root for her.

4. Taj: Taj is great in Stranded for the "WTF?" factor, and she's proving that again. Her voting Erica and being like a millisecond away from mutinying just adds to Taj's crazy shit she does every season. But I love her for it and she's not a borewhore. I always look forward to what is going to come from her.

3. Frank: Still loving Frank and at this point, I just sort of group him with the Legends crowd, not so much based on alliances, but just because he's delivering really hard and I love it. Him wanting to work with Taj and boot Sarah is really interesting too in that at least he sort of knows what he gets with Sarah....Taj? She's unpredictable at best.

2. Teresa: Still owning, but it sucks her tribe is getting decimated. It's going to bite her in the ass, especially with members on the other tribe wanting her head. The only good thing could be if they get down to such small numbers, people use her as a vote for their own agenda. Turukawa is getting pretty stacked. They are going to want to do something about that soon I presume. But Teresa is still consistently fanning and Erica basically asking her for permission to speak? lol like...I dont even know. She's werkin it!

1. NaOnka: I love, love, love. Where she looked she was in a precarious position before, she's back into the fold as I know she could be and seems to be in a solid spot. And where I think she would have mutinied before, she won't now because she feels secure with the numbers she has. I also think she's good enough to get in with some of Turukawa when the opportunity presents itself. Just all around fabulous and I'm a fan. icon_wub
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Carl Bilancione » Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:05:47 pm

17. Rudy: He's not going anywhere anytime soon is he? He is ruining this season for me. I can't wait for his second boot.

Took an Idol to get him out last time.
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:58:35 pm

I haven't updated this in a long time, sorry guys. How irresponsible of me, but I am going to rank the cast one FINAL time.

24. Ben: You were a waste of a casting spot.

23. Dave: Who?

22. Erinn: Thanks for showing up, and then not coming back. icon_dts

21. Dave Ball: Thanks for not really giving it your all, except for like two rounds?

20. Katie: You quit because you didn't get your way. Pathetic. But you showed some strong potential in the beginning, which is why I won't put you dead last.

19. Sean: I dunno what you were doing this season. I had some hopes for you but then you just sort of fizzled out. Disappointed.

18. Gina: You were extremely irrelevant for the majority of the time, and it sucks you're sitting in the finals because you certainly don't deserve it.

17. Rudy: Consider suicide. Sincerely.

16. John: You are pretty obnoxious, but I'm sure you already know that. lol @ you getting the same placement for a third time? #sucktosuck.

15. Mia: Your excessive whining was annoying, especially when it was about playing openID when you had people here you knew outside of the game. True players can get around that. Look at Brenda and Teresa who had stigmas. I just wasn't feeling you this season and you seemed disconnected.

14. Patricia: I actually didn't hate you as much as I thought I would. I loved when you made the note about not trusting Teresa, and you got pwnt anyway. Better luck next time.

13. Erica: You are always a legend in my book. Consistently hilarious. icon_wub

12. Paloma: You little villainess, you! I thought you played a pretty good game, and it sucked you were taken out right there towards the end. I was hoping you'd make it to the finals after some of my favorites left. Definitely interesting to watch you play this season.

11. Sarah: You definitely bring the "WTF?" to games. I like watching you, but hate playing with you. But thanks for giving us some laughs this season.

10. Christy: So robbed and it's gross. I wish Rudy wasn't such a bitter fucking baby because you had so much potential and people didn't realize it. Absolute bullshit and you will be avenged somehow, someway. One of the best.

9. Cirie: I hope you win tonight and most pre-votes seem to indicate that as I write this. You have had an incredible journey here, no doubt. You started out as the silent, out-of-the-loop type and merged into a player here. Get it, gurl!

8. Ami: A star. There were times when I was like "ugh, don't get tired out and just keep fighting." I know you seemed defeated at times, but I love that you did stick it out and fight to stay at the end of the day. I wish you were on the jury because you deserved it. icon_cry

7. Taj: You never fail to disappoint. I did notice some mini melt-downs but nothing major, so good job. I hate your reasoning for voting for Rudy (unless this changes after I write it), but he's horrible and you need to realize that. You are great though and Taj has always been one of my favorite people to root for in Stranded. Period.

6. Gregg: Always hilarious. I love. icon_wub icon_wub It's really brilliant trolling too because you're playing the game at the same time. Most people thought it wouldn't work this time, but it did. I enjoyed you immensely this season and I was rooting for you so hardcore.

5. NaOnka: I would rank you a spot or two higher, but you sort of lost focus there at the end of your stay and self-voting your ass out of the game? icon_dts icon_dts but at least you didn't quit this time, which I think you were going to when you said you had a speech. You were definitely in control back on Turukawa and I was majorly impressed. This was definitely one of your better showings. I love you.

4. Brenda: Always amazing, no shocker here. lol @ you getting blindsided on the first vote and then your second boot was so tragic. Take it as a compliment though because you are the Queen of Stranded and one of the best. You just got surrounded by a bunch of inept people. It happens to the best of us. But you were great here and I was rooting for you to take it home, but it just seemed impossible unless you went on an IC run. I should have played so we could have kept the Azn Dynamic strong.

3. Frank: So impressive. You are definitely a LEGEND. I was big on you from the start but my love kept growing stronger and stronger as time went by. I wish you were able to make the end-game and win it because it would have been a phenomenal ending, but you got a bit too arrogant there and fucked up. I've seen that happen a million times before as well. Definitely a fantastic gameplayer though and nothing to be ashamed of.

2. Willard: Definitely a bit UTR at times, but you never gave up and that's what I love most about you. I remember when you said you didn't think you'd do well because of the whole not having much time, but you were integral to a lot of things happening in this game whether you want to admit it or not. I was rooting for you the most there towards the end because I think you could have had it and then bam. Again, nothing to be ashamed of because you were a shining star and I'm so sad you didn't win. But I love you and that's all that anyone needs in the end. icon_wub

1. Teresa: Dammnnn gurlfriend. You were a target from the start because of the stigma attached to you and you didn't let it stop you. You took this game by the balls and ran with it. You were definitely in control and helped mastermind a shit ton in this game. You never gave up even when it looked dire. I'm so glad you overcame half the shit and there were times when I was talking to Jeff and we were freaking out over you going home, but then you always got the votes to stay. Impressive game and I was blown away. I know you're good, but that good? Phenomenal.
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Brenda » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:42:10 pm

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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Rudy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:56:32 pm

I'm glad to have such a big fan in you, becky.

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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Patricia » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:18:42 am

Becky Lee wrote:
14. Patricia: I still think she is a terrible person, but she has game and I'm interested to see what people do with her. It's like they all talk about not wanting to work with her long-term, but it's almost like they have no choice right now. I can easily see her flying UTR and going far in this because of the hubris of some of the other players.

Hahaha super harsh but at least I think I somewhat turned your general opinion?
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Frank » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:46:10 am

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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Naonka » Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:49:35 am

Fucking love you chink. <3
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby John » Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:47:55 am

What a disappointment that I didn't rank 14th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think if you knew my situation you would know why I was all over the shop!

And I didn't realise Australians were so bad! How racist of you! icon_unsure
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Becky Lee » Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:20:29 pm

lol the hating on Australians thing is a joke from Crashcourse.
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Cirie » Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:22:37 pm

Becky Lee wrote:9. Cirie: I hope you win tonight and most pre-votes seem to indicate that as I write this. You have had an incredible journey here, no doubt. You started out as the silent, out-of-the-loop type and merged into a player here. Get it, gurl!

Thanks for the kind words. I'm sorry for eliminating so many of the other players from (#1-8), but it was my only chance of making it to the end! icon_smile Thank you for cohosting this season and your hard work. It was a fun experience!
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Re: Becky Lee's House of Worship

Postby Teresa » Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:57:11 pm

I love you.
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