Gregg wrote:I am pissed at Cirie though since pretty much every damn deal I had included her and she didn't even give me a slight heads up .
Gregg, I didn't realize that you were genuinely upset with me! I thought the whole "You're a snake, I'm never going to vote for you" was just part of your whacky sense of humor. Everyone else wanted to keep me thanks to that comment!
I think I had a lot less of a say in your elimination than you think. The players took advantage of the fact that Paloma and I wouldn't be available for that round.
Also, I prevoted for Rudy... I switched my vote to you during tribal council when it looked like that was now the plan... And switched my vote back to Rudy once people like Paloma and Willard started speaking. Unfortunately, it was a minute or two after the deadline. You were eliminated due to a rule technicality.