That's probably a good strategy about simply outlasting. Dynamics are bound to change when we merge anyway, so getting into a controlling position now shouldn't necessarily weigh much in terms of importance.
If you can, try to bring Paloma with you. I was really close with her before switching. You're already my partner, so you have an automatic certain amount of loyalty from me, and I plan on building even more trust with you. However, if you can bring Paloma along with you, I'll love you forever. I'm so sad not to have her with me. :(
In terms of this tribe, I'd appreciate if you kept this between just you and I, but it's leaning between Sean/Erica as of right now. I know for a fact that Frank is heavily trying to get us to get rid of the purple ladies on this tribe, but the fact of the matter is that if original Degei is going to be a threat (I assume Brenda is with them as well but yo'd know more about that than I), it does you and I no favors to simply vote off their biggest rivals. Patricia has become close with Sarah/Sean I think? Ami/Mia have a bond. Naonka/Teresa have a bond. I like Teresa and Sean as well actually. Things are still forming so don't take these "bonds" to heart. I'm just rattling off my thoughts to you at this point, because I want to show that you can trust me.
In a merge situation, there's no way someone like a Gregg or Rudy will be targeted over the likes of a Taj/Teresa/Erica. Get what I'm saying? I wanna work at becoming closer with you as a partner, because looking at the other pairs, I really do believe we have a chance at being the LAST pair standing.