Postby Paloma » Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:43:11 pm

Oh goodie this is here. How are things Christy? icon_laughing
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Postby Christy » Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:24:09 am

Oh this is much more convenient icon_lol

Hi! Hope you're enjoying your tribe! Mine is pretty chill actually which was not what I expected after the horror stories I've heard of Masilaca; so everyone is putting up their best behavior so idk what will happen when we go to TC tonight. I guess you guys still have Dave Ball?

I'm so excited to be partnered with you icon_wub That's why I chose you, duh. You seemed really socially-savvy and I've heard heaps of good things from Brenda even before this game. Plus it's much more exciting to be partnered with someone you haven't met before :P
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Postby Christy » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:09:00 am

Rudy is sending his best regards to you :P
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Postby Paloma » Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:50:20 pm

John P. says hello.

And Brenda is all praises about you. So that's 100% good in my book.

I'm surprised you pick me. But I am really happy. Especially now that I learned a lot about you from Brenda.

Well we have to be strong you know? So Dave Ball being inactive is weakening us, I just don't see any other vote for now. It's sad though, because I heard that he has harsh words to say about me, and I really wanted to change his mind about me. But I guess I won't have that chance for now. He seems like a good guy, and since he is an English major like me, we are kindred, like you and Gina I hear?

I like the new tribe. Of course I'm wary about other people, but I have to be right? Being alert means you have to expect every blow from every direction. But that's the beauty of Stranded I think.

BTW, a little about me.

I'm not an American. I'm a Filipino, born, raised and living in the Philippines. So my timezone is like way way different from most, so I become active at the oddest of times. I'm 12 hours ahead of EST. And English is my 4th language. If there some language barrier here, just let me know okay? I'll adjust. Thanks!

Wow. I'm so overwhelmed. I'm like the real Paloma invited to an all-star season you know? Such big characters around me, and I'm totally irrelevant in my seasons! Hahaha. icon_egyptian
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Postby Christy » Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:48:44 pm

Holy shit, this is seriously the season of English majors! This just confirms that I chose the perfect partner icon_mml I just *knew* there was something about you ;)

I'm glad you are safe and sound there right now! Hopefully for a long, long time! Lord knows our tribe use could someone like Dave Ball right now - everyone has been pretty great so far, even people I have heard some unflattering stuff about and at the moment our vote has the potential to turn out as a real cluster-fuck. As for Dave, I wouldn't worry about his opinion at all, that's not what matters :P

12 hours? Holy shit, that's huge. I'm from Hungary, so that's 6 hours for me (5 right now, due to savings time) and even that's not easily managable, so I can't even imagine how you cope with that much of a difference icon_lol At least you get your sleep :P Like right now it's almsot 11PM for me, and I'm just gonna go take a nap before the Tribal Council... I don't think I've ever played with another person whose first language was not English, so that's definitely exciting, for me at least. Little things like this amuse me :D

And bah, you're a legend, don't sell yourself short icon_egyptian

ps send my kisses to John :P
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Postby Paloma » Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:00:50 pm

I know! Ennglish majors <3. But aren't you like sick and tired of *that* look when you tell people that you studied English? That quizzical look which says, "what the hell is wrong with this person studying English wasting money away." icon_lol

After the Dave vote, I'm not really sure I'm safe here. I mean with Sarah, John P., Willard possibly teaming up with Frank and Gina, I'm at the losing end here. But hey, I'm fighting. I have to. I mean I really want to make the merge. I want to be at least part of the jury. It sucks to be voted out pre-merge you know?

I'm surprised to hear that your tribe is all peaceful. But after the vote, perhaps claws would come out? It seems that the big personalities are in your tribe. I just wish that you survive you know? And maybe Rudy too. He was so nice to me back at Old Turukawa.

I do get some sleep, but I wake up at around 3AM to get ready for challenge, talk to people and stuff. And also, since the challenge is around 9AM my time, I have changed my work schedule for this game. Hahaha. Dedication, I guess. I didn't want to disappoint Jeff, seeing that he has so many people to choose from to cast in this game.

Oh please, when Jeff invited me as a legend I was shock. I didn't really have much of a following you know? Hahaha.
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Postby Lindsey Richter » Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:44:39 pm

Paloma you shocked me, your English is better than 98% of people I've encountered on the interwebz who have it as their FIRST language icon_laughing
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Postby Paloma » Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:53:19 pm

Lindsey Richter wrote:Paloma you shocked me, your English is better than 98% of people I've encountered on the interwebz who have it as their FIRST language icon_laughing

Why thank you, Lindsey. I guess I just put in an extra effort to be correct. I mean Stranded is a conversation based game. So a lot may be lost in translation. It's just get difficult sometimes because I think in Filipino and I have to translate it to English. So I am slow in replying sometimes. icon_horror
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Postby Christy » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:04:38 pm

welp, I just got blindsided icon_cry I'll fill you on everything later.
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Postby Paloma » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:09:20 pm

Maybe you should think about swapping?
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Postby Paloma » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:47:20 pm

Oh God Christy! I hope you are safe!
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Postby Christy » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:50:41 pm

I might not be. Basically all day everyone was saying Erica, but it was 6-4 for Sean to go instead, so I might be in jeopardy... I'll try my best though. I think I have an angle I can work.
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Postby Paloma » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:52:53 pm

Patricia tells me it's Rudy and NaOnka who flipped to Erica/Taj/Teresa/Ami? Oh that just breaks my heart, those two. :(
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Postby Christy » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:56:59 pm

Yes, that is what's going on -_- So frustrating. NaOnka has literally been ignoring me all weekend long and then when she comes on, she doesn't even vote how she is supposed to icon_rolleyes

I should be fine... but you never know. As far as I know Sean was taken out because of his bonds to Degei, so that might as well spell doom for me. But don't count me.
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Postby Paloma » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:59:31 pm

I'm not counting you out. I have faith in you. If you have to throw Mia under the bus then go. Hahaha.
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Postby Christy » Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:22:33 pm

I prolly won't :P I mean, unless it's really necessary I would prefer not to. Plus she and I had the same thought of how to proceed, so will see which way the cookie crumbles - basically I'm trying to sell that Rudy masterminded this whole boot (partly true) and that he's trying to set me up as bait, because he's worried about the power old Degei has (which is also true, but bullshit since this is like the F19, and people are probably not going to stick to the people they made smalltalk with while they weeded inactives out icon_rolleyes Btw I hope the degeis on the other tribe are not sticking together, that'd be boring :P).

And not to brag, but I'm basically the best competitor Degei has at this point, so they'd be really stupid to vote me out. :D Then again, majority of these people are the ones who voted Brenda out first so I don't know what they have in mind.

Actually I think this is exactly the kick in the butt I needed to energize myself and start playing more aggressively.

Tell Patty that I understand and I was thinking about the same too :x Don't tell that to anyone else though, I'd hate if that got back to my tribe via one of the partnerships. But I trust you that you don't wanna sink me here. ;)
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Postby Paloma » Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:28:55 pm

You can trust me. I'm a different breed of Stranded player. Rest assured that your message will just be for Patty. I think I know better than create chaos just for the sake of.

Even though we are on opposing tribes, know that I am probably one person you trust fully.

And yeah, you kicked butt in that challenge. :)
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Postby Christy » Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:07:24 pm

Honestly, I trust you a lot. I know that you don't have anything to gain by me going, but from what I can tell you don't seem like the kind of person who would do it anyway. Seriously, you're my rock right now since I can just went my frustrations at you. :P

I'm looking at a tie vote right now. Idk what will happen, since I barely talked with anyone, but honestly the way it looks it's very likely going to be a tie between the four Masilacas and the rest of us. Like you know, Mia and I were in the minority, and the two of us basically told Rudy and NaOnka that if one of Mia/Christy goes, then the other will mutiny away, leaving those two at the mercy of the four Masilacas. Nay seems receptive of the idea and although I haven't talked with Rudy, it's easily the most logical move those two can make - have a tie 4-4, unless someone from Masilaca flips.

And if I'm right, you guys would be the ones breaking the tie. That's how it worked so far and if Jeff changed it midgame, that'd be bullshit. So idk, can you maybe bring this up to a few peopleover at you guys? Not everyone, because then word might spread back to my tribe and the whole scheme could be ruined, but we really need this.

If I survive tonight, I might go over to you guys. I'm contemplating it because there are definite pros and cons to it... Just saying so you won't get surprised by it :P
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Postby Christy » Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:50:11 pm

yup, I'm getting votes tonight, but I'd still say that it's a four-four. So root for me? ;_;
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Postby Paloma » Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:51:27 pm

I really am rooting for you. Brenda tells me you have to survive because you will be working with us in the long run. That's something that I'm looking forward to. I'd really love to go on and play this game with game-savvy people. Not those who are only good at creating drama. I don't thrive in a playing environment filled with those type of people.

No worries, it seems that the Masilaca evil trio have created enemies so whatever happens, one of those three will be voted out?

Just a crazy though, scare them of a fake idol maybe? LOL I know NaOnka and Rudy are gonna be shaken by that. LOL.
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Postby Christy » Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:47:13 pm

Well, shock of the century, the vote is between Erica and I. We figured that it'd be the easiest to get flipper onto Erica. I'm not hopeful though, but that's easily my best bet to survive.

alol had I thought about the fake idol earlier... omg I totes should've made one icon_laughing I'd be better off with a real one though :x
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Postby Paloma » Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:57:43 pm

I have a link of the idol that Teresa played. Or so they said. Want to have it? Scare people and stuff. Hahaha.
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Postby Christy » Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:02:36 pm

OMG YES that's gonna be hilarious :D
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Postby Paloma » Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:13:34 pm

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Postby Christy » Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:15:39 pm

thanks girl! If I'm going out, Imma go out with a bang.
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