Rudy wrote:Nice move trying to bully me into voting Gina/Cirie out though, Frank. You're such a charmer. I honestly didn't have to lie to you about it, but I wanted to blindside you just to prove AGAIN how arrogantly naive you've been this entire merge. I feel bad about Paloma, but that blindside was directed solely towards you.
Frank has taken all his toys and left the playground now that he finally realizes no one wants to play with him. I'm just wondering when he found this out: during the Willard vote, now or 2 weeks ago like he claims. I guess I should just stop picking and prepare my FTC speech granted that Frank allows I make it that far.
Bully you? I made my argument and that was that. Of course you were gonna tell me yes and I was gonna find out when the votes were read what your decision was. But I had to try. It's your game and you do what you want with it man. If painting me as naive gets you anything, you go ahead and try.
I find it funny how y'all bonded over being exiles and said you don't have a chance to win vs anyone else and now you try to paint me as someone who can't win, even though you've tried your hardest to get me out. If I was this arrogant naive idiot, I would think you'd want to take me as a goat to the end not go guns blazing trying to vote me out and paint me negatively. This only shows me you're scared.
I really don't know why you're making such a big and public deal for someone that barely escaped being voted out all merge and that got booted first over an inactive. You're only making a fool of yourself. So keep doing it.