Prettiest, Popularist, Powerfulist Kim Powers Cast Ranking!

Prettiest, Popularist, Powerfulist Kim Powers Cast Ranking!

Postby Kim P » Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:44:54 pm

My first lurking season! icon_egyptian
Okay y'all, I have to admit I don't know a lot about some of these people.... But I don't really care, cuz imma do a ranking.

1.) SARAH- Sarah is one feisty gurl and I can't wait to see her play again. However I am worried that she may have trouble reaching merge without a Cacique necklace. And the lack of pms doesn't really allow her to let out her steam so she may be more confrontational than usual.

2.) GINA- Gina is a major threat to win this game imo. All of the other Venezuela returnees are either huge strategic powerhouses or OTT caricatures. Gina is completely normal by Stranded Standards yet is also really compelling and I can see her sliding by Vecepia-style and winning the whole thing.

3.) FRANK- Let's face it. Frank is either reaching endgame or he'll be a really early boot. He is good at the game but he comes across as cocky and the fact that he is on All-Stars now (despite getting 13th) will probably only boost his ego even more. I feel that this was pretty negative, but either way I really want Frank to succeed, but I'm a little doubtful that he will.

4.) SEAN- I never really talked to Sean on Venezuela mostly because I was a cliquey bitch but I really want him to succeed. He was legit amazeballs! However I feel people will be threatened by him, which will be a problem, because let's face it, you can only bluff an idol so many times.

5.) Brenda- Really cool host and I think she was a total HBIC on her past seasons so I hope she can pull that off again.

6.). Mia- IIRC Mia was kinda unstable on her season (?) I could be completely wrong but I hope she goes far. She seemed perfectly sane hosting, but then again, so did Linda Spencer.... Just kidding linda I luh you icon_wub

7.) Patricia- Meh. Seems like a toneless bore to me. Couple that with the fact that she is the reason I left when I did and therefore wasn't on this season. icon_lol I kid ! i kid!

8.) Ami- Another rl faves and from what I heard Stranded Ami is pretty similar.

9.) Erica- Bitching about not being a legend when her two placements are 11th and 16th icon_lol

10.) Taj- Saying boo. Reminds me of Candice Stewart icon_wub

11.) Paloma- Seems coot.

12.) Erinn- That funny post on the Zambia ranking gets her this high.

13.) Katie- Never seen her in action but seems like she is one of the top stars of Stranded.

14-24 I'm bored. I don't know any of the others so I will wait to form opinions.
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Kim P
Dakuwaqa Tribe
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Re: Prettiest, Popularist, Powerfulist Kim Powers Cast Ranki

Postby Mia » Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:50:36 am

I was stable as fuck in my season. I was just a little clueless at the start, nabbed myself a position of power, and then played too hard at the merge (even though everyone else was, too) and got caught. It was a blast. But thanks for ranking me so high, li'l Kimpy. Ranking below only Venezuelans (who are the only people you really got to know) was great!
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