by Caryn » Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:03:42 pm
Gina Said:
Sean wound up on the bad end of a swap, with a tribe dead set on voting out any newbies. He faked having an idol and convinced his tribe to vote out our very own Frank. Then he snaked hisway to the final 6. All this after talking his way out of being the first boot. Dudes got a golden tongue.
She forgot to mention:
1. Sean becoming a badass by convincing Kim J to give him Cacquie.
2. Linda & Kim J could've easily voted for Lex and tie up the votes, but it was ultimately Frank's Arrogant Ass & Big Mouth which got him the boot.
But, of course she makes Frank (Her Partner) look good, and makes Sean the bad guy. But it's the other way around.
Fucking Cunt.