Sean you should be getting used to this by now:
I'm off work shortly after the challenge, so I should be able to talk with you guys shortly after the challenge should you pick me to return to the game, but right now I'm at work so I'm having the mods repost this for me.
Sean. You've seen me play and you know I'm a boon in the tribal stage of the game.
You know I'm good in challenges. The tribe I was on last season won 4/6 immunity challenges, and I believe I won 3 individual immunity challenges during the merge.
You know I'm fiercely loyal. My closest ally won Venezuela, and I actively lobbied for her victory in Losers Lodge.
And you know I desperately want to play with you in particular. I regret that we wound up on opposite sides of the numbers in Venezuela, but I have so much respect for your game and I want to work with you this time around, because honestly, working against you was too stressful. I know the inner workings of Masilaca and I'm more than willing to give you all the dirt.
Plus, I think Ben has gone inactive anyway? He hasn't been on for two days, and I know you have too much respect for this game to pick an inactive over someone who wants to be here and keep fighting.
I'm off work shortly after the challenge, so I should be able to talk with you guys shortly after the challenge should you pick me to return to the game, but right now I'm at work so I'm having the mods repost this for me.
I'm sorry I voted for you but I caught wind that some people were voting for me and it was the only way to ensure I wouldn't go home for sure. I knew I could force a tie and from there see what the tie breaker was. It was my only choice and it was a measure of last resorts. If you bring me back I think we can get something going again and we can take the fight to Katie and Erica together.
I don't know how the dynamic has changed, but I know I've got Teresa, and I think I can get Taj, and that's four right there. At the very least, I'll provide a nice buffer for you for at least one round.
Plus, I think Ben has gone inactive anyway? He hasn't been on for two days, and I know you have too much respect for this game to pick an inactive over someone who wants to be here and keep fighting.
I'm off work shortly after the challenge, so I should be able to talk with you guys shortly after the challenge should you pick me to return to the game, but right now I'm at work so I'm having the mods repost this for me.
Mia. You've seen me play (and, in fact, read my every thought) and you know I'm a boon in the tribal stage of the game.
You know I'm good in challenges. The tribe I was on last season won 4/6 immunity challenges, and I believe I won 3 individual immunity challenges during the merge.
You know I'm fiercely loyal. My closest ally won Venezuela, and I actively lobbied for her victory in Losers Lodge.
I know the inner workings of Masilaca and I'm more than willing to give you all the dirt. I'm sure you guys must be wondering what the fuck is happening at team purple and I'd love nothing more than to give you every little detail. I want to help you take them down. Additionally, I can give you insight on Masilaca's tribal dynamic so you know who to pick from Exile when we win challenges.
Plus, I think Ben has gone inactive anyway? Is this correct? He hasn't been on for two days, and I know you have too much respect for this game to pick an inactive over someone who wants to be here and keep fighting.
So that's my plea to you, and I hope you pick me so we can work together in this game!