So this season I'll lay out the twists for you guys as well as a cast for those who don't know it yet.
First off because this is the 20th season, we htought we'd honor it by celebrating all things Stranded.
So the season is called Legends and it is supposed to feature 12 "Legends" of Stranded vs. 12 "All-stars" The latter being newer all-stars who have not yet earned legendary status.
However, this is not the main twist that will define the season. While it's true that we are featuring Legends, what the season is really about are the legendary twists and dynamics that make Stranded so great.
So we'll be reliving a lot of those twists this season as sort of a "best of"
Of course, the players won't know this, but maybe theyll get wise to it after a while.
We're starting off by redoing the twist of the first two all-stars. We'll have three tribes of 8. One will be immune, and the ohter two will vote two players off of the tribe. Those two players will get the opportunity to reenter the game after the next Immunity Challenge. The leader of the tribe that wins will bote out one of hte two and will take the remaining player on their tribe.
We will also be hiding the Hidden immunity Idol in the first welcoming post. Something we have not done since season 2.
After 4 players have been voted out, leaving us with 20. We will have all the players select partners and split them into two tribes of 10. The last partnership remaining in the game wins two Immunity Necklaces which can be played before the votes at any tribal council of their choosing up to and through the final 5.
They will also be given the opportunity to switch tribes at any challenge a la Greece.
When there are 16 players left, there will be another swap this time separating partners. They will be able to talk across tribal lines with their partners.
We will marge at 12 with the box twist.
Around final 7, we will have exile island as seen in hte first season. Unbeknownst to the unlucky player there, everyone will be able to see their discussion as the hosts ask them personal questions.
I believe that's all unless you guys have some good ideas you want to throw in there.