Holly Hoffman wrote:Congratulations on making the merge! Quite an amazing achievement.
Did you expect to make it this far or has this been a shock?
Not after Round 2

So glad for that restart though. I can't take all the credit obvs, but I played no small part in the wins that led to us avoiding TC altogether up until now. Of course with the individual aspect now kicking in, there are no more tribe immunities. You can be damn sure I'll be chasing every individual win I can pull out though, starting with this spamfest.
So I guess I'm not super surprised to get this far, I feel like I deserve it somewhat despite the early boot. I still say that was a nutso decision on Masilaca's part. Katie & Ami both might still be here, and there'd be a lot more unity between the original Purps than there currently is.
We could be the safest core with additions, rather than the current core I read as Paloma/Gregg/Rudy/NaOnka/Cirie being the people least likely to leave tomorrow.
Holly Hoffman wrote:How is the merge going to change your gameplan?
Do you feel more of less vulnerable now with more people around?
My plan is just to survive :/ I tend to lose sight of that with all the twists and the tendency to HBIC or try for the showpiece plays and things. That knock my ego took is still echoing a little. So my plan is just to survive each round, see wth happens with the boots, and try keep enough plates spinning that I can recover from each set-back and position myself to either - have enough numbers on my side, or have more pressing concerns still round for others to worry about.
I feel definitely more vulnerable. It's not that bigger numbers, it's just that we had a solid majority and boots that made sense to that majority before. That is gone. No matter who we look at to boot here they are connected somewhere somehow. I think a Willard boot might end up being the result of this round, but if I just let that happen there goes a number who is definitely more opposed to the same people I'm opposed to than say - half my "allies"

He could leave, and I'd still have avenues I can work on, but Teresa, Gregg, NaOnka? All people I'd rather see out earlier than Willard.
I used to work to a rule in other games, I would plan a lot of my game around closing down options for my allies. Not targeting them, just making it so *I* became their most attractive option. NaOnka & Gregg boots would do that here and secure Paloma/Cirie(/Rudy?) into my corner, while a Teresa boot would just remove a big ass thorn from my side.
Holly Hoffman wrote:Is there anyone you are happy to be reunited with? Any you are not too pleased to see?

Kinda surprised myself with that one as we were never
that close back on Turukawa 2.0. But she is just refreshingly unknown to me for a start, and just generally pleasant too. I'm a little afraid I'm being taken for a ride and not seeing her bad side similar to how I feel Paloma is blind to Gregg's mercenary ways thanks to his disarming humour.
People I don't like to see. Ehh, same three I mentioned above. It's not the end of the world that they are here, but Cwisty/John/Patricia would each have been much better for my game at this point. Each of those bowing out was a small blow to my game. The cumulative total of missing them all is gonna make things very tricky here to navigate for me.
Holly Hoffman wrote:We lost John and Ami just before this merge. What do you make of those two All Stars leaving the game?
Are you glad I didn't also include the other seven confessional questions I had written down?
I think I left on decent terms with both, even with voting Ami out. Can't change it now, and I'm more inclined to look forward than back.
And yes, thanks be. I have plenty more to talk about, alliances and treaties and all that jazz. But it can wait till tomorrow along with the spam.