Episode 16

5th Place, 8th Juror

Episode 16

Postby Paloma » Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:33:52 am

This is lovingly dedicated to Holly Hoffman and Lindsey Richter.

How are you dealing with the chaos of this game?

How do you make solid plans in a game where everything is so crazy and changing all of the time?

Look confused? icon_lol

But seriously, in a game full of chaos, you have to rely on what's constant. Rudy and Willard's dislike for each other. Teresa will throw people under the bus. Cirie will love me, Frank will love me more. Rudy, will talk to people and report back to me - of course after he filtered everything. So those are the constants. If at any point there was something that changed, be on your toes. Something is up.

Are you starting to feel the mental and emotional stress?

Nope, not yet. But it's hard to act like you are all stressed out. If my character assessment is correct, Frank and Rudy are both have Messianic complex. And would most likely save someone just because it helps their egos, and probably get some jury votes. They need a damsel in distress to save you know. I think I fit the role. So might as well just go along with it.

But really sometimes I read my PM and I squirm.

"Oh Rudy, I have nothing else left you are my rock."
"Frank, you are my constant. I have to rely on you, please."


Have you started thinking about how you're going to get to the end and win?

Or are you taking your survival one round at a time?

I think I have made a good enough relationship with Teresa to make sure she won't be voting me out just yet. At least not in a malicious manner. And I feel like I figure in Frank's, Cirie's and Rudy's endgame plans. They might not have the same plans, as long as I'm there, I should be fine. Same with Gina. Hard read, but she knows it's good to take me to the end. Willard and I haven't talked much. I heard he wanted to flush my idol, but no, Willard. Not yet. So I think, among all the people left, I have the most inroads to get to the end. Winning is a different topic though. I am not sure I have enough votes in that jury. Maybe Gregg? Definitely Brenda. But that's for later. I just need to make sure nothing goes wrong along the way.

Did the survey change your views or opinions on anything related to the game or bring anything to light? Any answers you found surprising?

It wasn't really surprising. It's basically just a confirmation of what I think I am perceived.

I think I got the one who you would trust with your life? I think that speaks a lot about how honest they see me.
Relationship material? I am kinda sweet, so there. And I may come off as a flirt. And I really may be seen as generally pleasant and nice person.
I also got out of her league, so yes, I am not that respected. Perhaps, it's because I haven't exactly made a big move that would pass as a big move in their standards.
I also got not all-star material, which confirms that they really do not see my game, or that they do not exactly know how I operate. Oh and I am F3 goat now! So yey!
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Lindsey Richter » Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:29:21 pm

Ew @ you beating me to this thread and ratchet @ me posting Qs from school.

Wow, top 7! Isn't this crazy? Congrats on getting so far in a crazy and dramatic season.

After 2 boots in a row that were relatively unified, are you afraid the tribe will lapse back into insanity?

We're so close to the end now. Do you think you have what it takes to win? Who do you think you can beat? Who would you lose to?

Are the next few boots predictable or do you have your own unique plan in mind?
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Paloma » Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:21:33 am

Ew @ you beating me to this thread and ratchet @ me posting Qs from school.

You don't love me enough, Lindsey. icon_razz

Wow, top 7! Isn't this crazy? Congrats on getting so far in a crazy and dramatic season.

Why thank you! If I survive one more round I will match my best finish ever in ORGs. Which is a very respectable (sweetheart, insignificant) 6th place. Crazy? Not yet. 7 is the magic number. It's where true loyalties reveal themselves. And power shifts happen.

After 2 boots in a row that were relatively unified, are you afraid the tribe will lapse back into insanity?

Of course. As close as we are to the expiration of the idol use, expect the next few round to be crazy. There are still two out there - mine and Gina's. Ideally if we want to win and go to the end safely, we have to stick together. Unfortunately, my trust for her has been waning these couple of rounds. So I might just play it. I think I did enough of a dance to make sure that everyone is unsure of whether I should play the idol or not. But, F7 is probably the best time to randomly play it.

I'll be all confident maybe this time, and then let them know I am with them. And then idol one person out. I don't know. I just don't know anymore. I am uncertain. I kinda want to have fun with it you know?

We're so close to the end now. Do you think you have what it takes to win?

No. That's an honest assessment. But, I am going to be awesome at FTC. I mean I know I can say the right things. I may just ace it. But so far, among those left, I have the weakest chance to win.

Who do you think you can beat?

Sarah. Oops.

I don't know really. I think the person I can actually beat is Frank. He and I are on the same boat all the time. So whatever defense he makes for his gameplay, that's the same I have. Except that socially, I have a leg up.

Maybe Gina too. She's been quite lazy lately.

Who would you lose to?

Everyone. Especially Cirie. Wait for her to be an awesome FTC performer.

Are the next few boots predictable or do you have your own unique plan in mind?

It should be predictable. Teresa then Rudy. Then Willard.
But at this point I have made promises to everyone left in this game except Teresa. So it would be interesting if Teresa leaves and then I have to break those promises.

I mean with NaOnka and Sarah, they pretty much dug their own graves. So it was easy to free myself of any promises I made to them. But with Rudy, Frank, Gina and Cirie? Who knows.

Willard's deal is unique in some ways, because if I want to actually try to make an FTC argument about my gameplay, I have to make a big game to further myself. That's where Willard falls into.

Meanwhile, I have to win immunity. I mean 4th season in, only 1 individual immunity challenge won. How pathetic is that? Besides, that would just ensure that I can get to keep the idol until the F6. Which is actually kind of awesome.

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