by Rudy » Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:04:04 pm
These people here are pit vipers. I did everything I could to be nice and even somewhat honorable by bringing all the sides of this game together. The Treaty of Daquwaqa 2013 lasted all of 10 minutes after the document was signed by all parties. Like, these people should be ashamed of themselves for being such liars and manipulators. I guess being apart of NuNuTuruwaka has turned King Rudy into one of benevolence, because I'm genuinely saddened by my good will being taken advantage of.
I guess now I'm just going to hope for the best and let the powers that be take control of this game. I'm in no position to make a power move, but I'm not going to give up by any means. I got my anger out at some people who really messed things up for me, but at the end of the day I have to take responsibility for having not been here yesterday when all my plans were unraveling. So much fear-mongering occurred that I could have minimized, but enough of the past. I'm just going to focus on being optimistic and not causing waves. I'm continuing to be blunt with everyone in terms of my position and my hope is that someone looks at me as singleton that can be picked up.
Taj leaving has began the ripple effect that I wanted to avoid since the merge began. The bigger targets are now going to be dispatched one after another. My entire strategy was based on getting them to remain in the game by showing them the common interest we all had in terms of partnerships being protected. However, now I see myself in danger along with the likes of Teresa. Now, I have to temporarily adjust my strategy into one that focuses purely on survivability.