I'm the last person to learn of key information all the time. It's astonishing how out of the loop and I am, yet I'm still here somehow. It's hard to tell if people really want me here, because they want me or if I'm just a disposable tool in everyone's back pocket.
The last TC that I went to was supposed to be me leaving, but Brenda really saved my neck and switched things up. At the same time, she made a tremendous amount of enemies. This puts me in an awkward position, because I want to return my loyalty to Brenda. I really am a good person. People who do nice things to me, I want to return the favor. However, the jackals smell the fear on Brenda, and they're salivating at the chance to take her out. I really want to figure out a way to keep her in the game, but it's going to be a hard situation.
I'm lambasting Paloma for not having my back the way I had her's. We had jut got done sharing our Christian faith outside of the game, and the same day, she stabs me in the back. I'm so appalled and disappointed in everyone. All of Brenda, Paloma, Frank and Gina are screaming at the top of their lungs about how much they tried to get me to stay over Gregg, yet if this is the case, it would have been simple considering they are 4/7 of the majority alliance. Well after the circus show that was last night, Brenda basically demolished her own majority alliance and things are shifting faster than the speed of light!
The entire tribe is completely fractured. People are targeting Sarah, Teresa, Brenda and even Paloma. I've gotten a F3 offer from both Gina and Cirie. The one I'm taking seriously is Gina's, because I do trust her a lot. Our relationship is concrete. Cirie plans on laying out a crap ton of information for me to process. She wants me to keep it just between us. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Cirie and I haven't had a legit relationship post-merge, so it's hard to automatically just have trust in her when she's done me no favors in getting rid of Taj.
It's weird. I feel like one of the least deceitful people in this game, and it's such a strange feeling, considering that it's not like me to wear my heart on my sleeves in this manner. I'm usually more calculating and downright nasty to people, but I don't wanna be that way or be known as that. Regardless of what happens and how my game is perceived, I'm going to be proud of how I played and how I treated other human beings. Now I'm just drifting onto this piece of wood in the turbulent ocean, hoping that I somehow make it to the lighthouse that is the end of this game.