Holly Hoffman wrote:What's your plan now after such a crazy tribal council? What moves do you feel you still need to make?
Time for a little reflection. What do you think has helped you get this far in the game?
My plan now is to strengthen the alliances I've already made. I've been watering these seeds for quite some time, and the fruits of my labor payed off ten fold last night when Paloma and Cirie chose to not cast their votes against me. That's a true testament to my ability to survive. I'll admit, I haven't been able to outplay many people this season. I was voted out first from Degei, but brought back as an exile where I had to really work my social game in order to remain off the rock bottom of the totem pole. Because of those social skills, I was able to outlast Cirie and ingratiate myself in the tribe to the point where I wasn't going anywhere any time soon.
The only time I took major control of my fate in this game is when I switched onto NuDegei. This is where I outplayed many, but the mutiny twist combined with unnecessary paranoia from Mia/Patricia once again put me in a position where I had to really fight to ingratiate myself into the good graces of the current power players. NuNuTuruwaka was the time for me to make those bonds, and those bonds were made. It wasn't enough to propel me into majorit post-merge, but it was always enough to ensure that I didn't get sent packing.
So yes, I'm proud of the fact that despite being out of a position of influence, I've been able to survive and make
pivotal social bonds with individual players that kept me here in the game. I haven't been able to become part of a majority alliance, but I haven't needed to, because this game is so fluid. Now, I need to make moves that actively eliminates those players whom I haven't made a connection with, and those people are Sarah/Frank/Willard. If one of those 3 leave tonight, I will have considered tonight successful for my game long term.