Episode 16

Episode 16

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:19:43 am

~~~~~~~~~~Alliance Watch~
Cirie/Gina/Willard - confirmed by Gina.
Gina/Paloma/Cirie/Frank - confirmed by Gina, alliance pitched by Paloma/Frank.

My "partnerships" and alliances:
Cirie/Gina/Rudy - Exiles
Cirie/Paloma/Rudy - loose alliance

Gina suggested booting Teresa next. She's probably wanting a F4 alliance of Cirie/Willard/Gina/Rudy. I will laugh if that happens, though to be honest, I probably have the best shot against them...We'll see how everything turns out. There's a huge web of alliances, and Cirie/Gina are at the forefront of everything. The hilarious thing is that I think everyone knows about most of the multiple alliances, yet everyone is playing coy with one another and pretending like there isn't a giant elephant in the room. Well darling, the elephant is gentle and non-aggressive so for now, I'll play along, but there may come a point where I have to rile everything up.

I'm trying to decide what my best route to the end of the game is...it's one thing to burn a bridge, but it's entirely something else to blow it up. I'd rather do the former. It's getting down to the nitty gritty. I haven't had to break any hearts (besides Naonka) because I haven't been making decisions, but now with so few people and my vote actually mattering, I'm going to have to slit a few throats which leads into my next topic:

I've known this for a long time now, but if Teresa doesn't go on an immunity streak, her time here is done. I've distanced myself from her and Naonka ever since Taj left, because I saw the writing on the wall way back then. There's nothing I can do about it, but even if there was, I think it's best that she leave, because if she forces her way into the finals, she'd probably win over me. Her existence in the game guarantees me short term safety, but that same life in the game guarantees a loss in FTC. I'd rather take my chances with the pit vipers & frogs and have a chance at winning in the very end. Sorry, Teresa, but I wanna win. You're a grown ass adult. You'll hopefully understand when this is all over and you can still accept me as your cold heartless bitch of a friend! <3

With all the juicy information flowing into my hands these last few rounds, I'm just itching for a blindside soon. We're all gearing up for war it seems. Paloma is such a deceitful little nymph. Her poisonous dagger is stealthy. Willard is playing a similarly defensive game as me, biding his time and playing UTR until the time is right. Frank is arrogantly sticking to his guns and being the honorable fool that he is. He's a shell of a man and appear to be a frog just like I thought he was. He's walking into battle naked. Gina and Cirie are the ones carrying pistols. I'm most afraid of them and the damage they can do these next two rounds. I might not have that sharp of a sword, but I'm Wonder Woman bitch, I reflect attacks! If I prove victorious, I will surely revel in the death of my opponents!!! #cackling
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:22:50 am

Btw JEFF, when I pulled the trigger on Brenda, I had flashbacks to when I blindsided Colleen. Maybe this comparison is a stretch considering Brenda could never be half as cool as Colleen was or nice or sweet or just awesome in general, but still.

It was just one of those moments where I felt sort of dastardly due to Brenda making a bold move to keep me the TC previous. I'm pretty sure she deserved it though, unlike Colleen.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:54:26 am

Rudy wrote:Btw JEFF, when I pulled the trigger on Brenda, I had flashbacks to when I blindsided Colleen. Maybe this comparison is a stretch considering Brenda could never be half as cool as Colleen was or nice or sweet or just awesome in general, but still.

It was just one of those moments where I felt sort of dastardly due to Brenda making a bold move to keep me the TC previous. I'm pretty sure she deserved it though, unlike Colleen.

Might we see more of Rudy's cutthroat behavior this game? Also with Teresa as the obvious target, does at leave some room for a potential blindside?
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Lindsey Richter » Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:29:19 pm

Ew @ you beating me to this thread and ratchet @ me posting Qs from school.

Wow, top 7! Isn't this crazy? Congrats on getting so far in a crazy and dramatic season.

After 2 boots in a row that were relatively unified, are you afraid the tribe will lapse back into insanity?

We're so close to the end now. Do you think you have what it takes to win? Who do you think you can beat? Who would you lose to?

Are the next few boots predictable or do you have your own unique plan in mind?
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Rudy » Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:51:12 am

I think we may be looking at a blindside, and it will be oh so delicious. If Teresa wins the immunity challenge, I'm sure things will get very interesting with the majority alliance imploding onto itself. I will be the likely target of Frank and Willard I'm sure, but hopefully the ladies in charge aka Gina and Cirie, have my back and will help me to take Frank out of this game. He's been Gina's loyal lap dog for quite some time now even after she went off and blindsided Frank behind his back. How he still trusts her and doesn't realize she's aligned with every person here is astounding. I've tried working with him a few times, and he's just not having it. For that, I can't wait for him to be executed. I just wish I could be here to witness it.

If Teresa doesn't win immunity, I think her fate is all but sealed. Such a shame really, but her time is simply up. She's had a good run. It was cute. She brought a lot to the game, but she has no footing in the reality of the situation. Her attempts at shifting things have fallen flat ever since the Taj boot. While I don't think she's played the best game, perception is everything, and I believe it'd be easy for her to pick up a lot of votes in the FTC. Ideally, she really needs to go home. If there were a time that I was rooting for Willard, it's going to be in tonight's IC!

I've officially decided I'm throwing Paloma and Teresa to the wolves to be devoured alive. I'll wear their bones as a necklace to show respect or something fashionable that only I could pull off. They are actually my favorite people here, but I'm so over being the nice lovely human being that I am in real life. I'd like to think I had a nice MORP/CPP streak going for a few episodes, but I've come to my senses, and the feeling of guilt is nonexistent at this point. I really do wish I were sorrier for feeling this way.

Paloma is a sneaky little assassin, and I'd love to suck the arrogance out of her soul with a blindside tonight while she has the idol in her pocket. She's been such a shady little lady, and her head served on a platter to King Rudy would be satisfying in the most barbaric way possible. Unfortunately, that's a big risk at this point that I'm not sure I'm willing to take considering if she does play the idol, and Teresa is immune, I'm most likely to have the plurality of votes. I'll just be forced to wait to delight in her receiving her comeuppance at F5.

Right now, I'm working very closely with Gina and Cirie and getting them to realize that I am aware of things going on, the side deals and everything. I'm ok with it, and they can trust me. I think going to the end with them is probably the best bet. The fact is that after the Taj vote, I decided I wanted to be closer with Gina. I've worked on her since then, and things have paid off. To my surprise, I didn't really figure out until recently that she was selling her body to everyone in the game with a dollar bill, but alas, it has still worked out in my favor.

There's even the thought in my head that Willard/Cirie/Rudy would be the best F3 for Rudy...but that concept in my head shall be left for a later confessional. For now, I'm working with the other exiles to get near the end of the game. They have other alliances in place as well, but hopefully there's enough incentive for them to choose their alliance with me to carry.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Rudy » Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:41:26 pm

**insert bitchy confessional about Teresa's link to those heart-wrenching photos**

Oh God, it's the time of the year when I'm really busy in real life. Even though I'm busy, I'm super happy and enjoying life, but stress is still stress. I need to meditate in my closet and do pilates before the negative energy spills over into this game, and I end things on a bad note. You don't even wanna know what I was going to say about my best friends in this game teresa/paloma... icon_horror With a friend like me, you don't need enemies.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Rudy » Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:41:27 pm

**insert bitchy confessional about Teresa's link to those heart-wrenching photos**

Oh God, it's the time of the year when I'm really busy in real life. Even though I'm busy, I'm super happy and enjoying life, but stress is still stress. I need to meditate in my closet and do pilates before the negative energy spills over into this game, and I end things on a bad note. You don't even wanna know what I was going to say about my best friends in this game teresa/paloma... icon_horror With a friend like me, you don't need enemies.
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