So last night, Teresa finally went home. Like, she's been on borrowed time for SO long. Hell, she should have went home the night that Gregg went home, but obviously her dirty paws were everywhere that mines weren't, so she lasted. That, combined with key immunity wins has helped her get as far as she did, but the truth is that her game was sunk as soon as Taj left, and she only has herself and Naonka to blame for that screw up. I saw the writing on the wall and knew that was the point where I had to jump ship and start a new life for myself. Good game, Tre.
At this point, I'm not sure that the jury loves me, but I don't even care, because based off my perceptions, it seems they love the others a lot less. Paloma, Cirie and Frank got some adverse reactions last night from the likes of Naonka and Sarah whom I sure echo the majority of the jury in some capacity. I hope that in a twisted way, this doesn't make the my allies Gina/Cirie question whether going to the F3 with me is a mistake. Just in case, I will have to continuously drive home the assumption that the F3 has to be ALL exiles for any of us to have a chance. Whether this is fact or not serves me no real purpose, as I think right now, I have a better shot against Gina/Cirie than anyone else.
Right now, one of Willard, Frank or myself will most likely be going home. Paloma and Gina are immune with their idols, leaving the rest of us to duke it out. I'm praying that someone like Frank doesn't win immunity, because ideally, he should be booted next. I'm still very nervous, because I know I'm still somewhat on the outside of things. My fate is in the hands of Gina and Cirie, and I'm just hoping they see me as enough of an asset to break off from their more loyal partners, Frank & Paloma. My strategy to align with them has been the biggest risk I've taken all game, but I think if I actually make it to the end with them, it will pay off. If they have simply been playing me, then that speaks more of their poor game play than mine, since they won't be winning in the end.