Episode 19

So I just got done blindsiding Paloma and Frank by actually sticking to my F3 alliance with Cirie and Gina. Paloma was going to write this huge heart-felt apology and explanation about why she was quitting, but decided against it once she "knew" I was voting with her against Gina. Well, I may have just lost her jury vote for kicking her when she's down, but I'm just an asshole, and I'd deserve to lose her vote just based on that. I just simply wanted to be nasty to her just because I knew I could. Sucks for her and I both.
In other news, Frank is still stomping around crying to Jeff and every other host who will listen about how no one at the playground wants to play with him. He decided that he'd take his toys and play alone by calling us all out. It was bad, watching him so arrogantly disparage Gina at TC, thinking she was going to go home. It's very indicative of the way he's played this game and will undoubtedly be why he loses. I don't care if he's up against two Exile Islanders, we've all played way better games than him.
Being the swing vote, I was trying to add in as little input as possible during TC when all of a sudden, Cirie decides NOW is the time to make a case as to why she deserves to win.
Like, that came out of no where. I agreed with everything she said. I think Cirie has played a beautiful game, but am I going to back her up publicly? No. The game isn't over quite yet. She exposed our Exile Island alliance, and I'm sure all my allies on the jury were like: "wtf Rudy". Anyway, things got heated, and Frank lobbied hard to keep me on his side trying to show that Cirie/Gina would get rid of me.
After the votes are read, Frank decides to come for my neck saying that I just guaranteed myself 4th place. Like, I was trying to be nice to him, but he had to call me out so I've since proceeded to make him look highly foolish in the public forums so that the jury can see just how delusional he is. Oh, and I had a plan to turn Gina/Cirie on one another just in case they did try to band against me, but WAIT LISTEN **in my Navi voice** my strategy of creating bonds that would make people simply NOT want to vote for me is paying off yet again. Gina likes me so much and detest Frank enough that she's willing to have Cirie and I vote her off and go to the end against Frank. Imagine that.
Once again, every time I'm on the brink of being voted off by just a few votes, my relationships are in the right place. I'll go into more details about why my strategy has paid off so well, but short, I have focused my game on NOT having influence, but instead on sheer perseverance. I made intensely emotional bonds with people who mattered and were influential enough to keep me around when others should have been looking to get rid of me. Gina and Cirie made decisions, but at the end of the day, I wanted to get to the end with exiles. How decided how we got here is of no importance to me. Here we are.
In other news, Frank is still stomping around crying to Jeff and every other host who will listen about how no one at the playground wants to play with him. He decided that he'd take his toys and play alone by calling us all out. It was bad, watching him so arrogantly disparage Gina at TC, thinking she was going to go home. It's very indicative of the way he's played this game and will undoubtedly be why he loses. I don't care if he's up against two Exile Islanders, we've all played way better games than him.
Being the swing vote, I was trying to add in as little input as possible during TC when all of a sudden, Cirie decides NOW is the time to make a case as to why she deserves to win.

After the votes are read, Frank decides to come for my neck saying that I just guaranteed myself 4th place. Like, I was trying to be nice to him, but he had to call me out so I've since proceeded to make him look highly foolish in the public forums so that the jury can see just how delusional he is. Oh, and I had a plan to turn Gina/Cirie on one another just in case they did try to band against me, but WAIT LISTEN **in my Navi voice** my strategy of creating bonds that would make people simply NOT want to vote for me is paying off yet again. Gina likes me so much and detest Frank enough that she's willing to have Cirie and I vote her off and go to the end against Frank. Imagine that.
Once again, every time I'm on the brink of being voted off by just a few votes, my relationships are in the right place. I'll go into more details about why my strategy has paid off so well, but short, I have focused my game on NOT having influence, but instead on sheer perseverance. I made intensely emotional bonds with people who mattered and were influential enough to keep me around when others should have been looking to get rid of me. Gina and Cirie made decisions, but at the end of the day, I wanted to get to the end with exiles. How decided how we got here is of no importance to me. Here we are.