Well, I think the only for-sure way I'm safe tonight is with immunity round my neck. But I always think that, so no biggie.
People say you shouldn't make enemies in these games but that is bullshit. You should
always make enemies in these games

I have a very easy and obvious pair of decisions right now when people want to know who I'd like to see out. NaOnka tonight, Teresa next round. Now the downside to this is threefold.
One, I log in today and everyone (everyone who sent a PM in the two whole missing days

) is telling me those two are the targets. I can't know for sure if that's legit, or that's just people telling me what I want to hear.
Two, those two have (rightfully for their games) been pushing me as the target. I'm not super worried about this on it's own, but say either of Teresa or NaOnka won immunity tonight. They could both be immune. And then the third most name doing the rounds is me all of a sudden.
Three, people might be cool with me targeting people who are not them, but it's also clear if it's a potential ally I'm cutting. Rudy for example knows I'm not after him after fighting for him so hard the other night. But he's also not gonna just roll over and let me take out two people who definitely didn't vote for him the other night. Especially since he's gotta know those two never had any intentions of - unlike all the people I'd like to go to F8 with him with.
I better get to PMs and see whats going on.