Final Words

5th Place, 8th Juror

Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:34:08 pm

Do you have them?
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Re: Final Words

Postby Paloma » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:39:46 pm

I was supposed to quit for Frank to go on, but then Rudy wanted me to vote for Gina.

So I want them to read my quitting speech.

And here it is.

Jeff, I’d like to quit this game for Frank to continue on.

I know you don’t like quitters but hear me out first. The invite to play Stranded: Legends came to me at a weird emotional synchronicity in my life. I felt like I need to play Stranded because I need a reprieve.

I have been called a lot of names in this game before. A liar. A snake. A charismatic sociopath – and Jeff, you know I can be all of those. After all, everything that is said about you is founded on truth, and truth is relative to perspective.

Now when I started this game, I promised myself, I will be cutthroat, I will win and I will fight fire with fire. But somewhere along the road, I forgot that this is a game and I wasn’t able to check my emotions at the door.

It started when I met Rudy.

Coming to this game, I knew of Rudy’s reputation. And every step of the way, I always remind myself of what he is capable of doing. But as we develop a friendship, a real connection, I forgot that this is all a game. The voting, the strategy, became secondary. My choice has always been “save my friends.” I think it’s evident that in all of the tribal TCs that I have attended, I tried to make all votes unanimous. And I have been successful.

All around me, players are strategizing non-stop, while I coasted along hiding behind an idol and the relationships that I made. And I am now realizing, I am being spared round after round because I wasn’t really a threat this time, I was the friend. I am that one person who can have real conversations with people. I am that person who can calm you when you are frazzled. That has become my role.

I know people would say, “hey it’s just a game, why are you all emotional?” Well to me, it is more than just that – a game. Stranded serves as a different platform for different people. And what we need to consider is the amount of time and effort that people give just to play the game. We dedicate hours of our daily lives to make this happen. Some people would like to have fun. Some people would like to experience the most basic form of Survivor. Some people come here for release. Some, for reputation.

But whatever your reason might be, and whatever role you play in this game, what you put out there is still a reflection of your true self. No matter how much you deny it, the fact that we hide behind anonymity, we unleash a true version of ourselves that we normally can’t let go on the real world. Stranded is what is like for me this time around.

Personally, I am under a lot of stress at work. And I came here to unleash my inner bitch. But what came out of me has surprised me. I assessed my game, and I felt like this is the most loyal and honest that I have ever been in any ORG. And it dawned upon me, I came here to remind myself that even in a game like this, I can still be as honest as I can be. I mean I am not perfect, I made mistakes along the way. But I did try to hold on to what I valued the most. And I am proud of that.

I have heard that Frank is leaving at 5th. And I am being spared yet again. I just couldn’t allow that to happen. I was with Frank from the very early days at Turukawa.I saw how he fought, how he struggled, how he made decisions to further us in the game. I have been a witness to it. I know he carried me and protected me, now it’s my turn to return the favor. He has to go on and fight, and I have to stay behind now. It’s what’s right.

Please do see that this is no disrespect to you, to Carl, to Lindsey, Becky, Kim J., Linda and Holly. In fact, by allowing myself to end my journey here, and let a more deserving person like Frank to stay on and fight for the last immunity challenge, I feel like I am keeping the integrity of this game. I respect this game, so much. You have no idea.

And today, I will not let a goat make it to the F3. I am at peace now, I got what I needed, and I am ready to end everything here. My only wish is that I am granted a spot in the jury – if not, I will understand.

Gina, you are an awesome competitor, I respect you so much.
Cirie, you have hurt me most in this game, but I totally understand that. We will be friends after this game.
Frank, Rudy – one of you win. And if both of you are there, please make it very difficult for me to vote.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Carl Bilancione » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:43:13 pm

Oh, I Janu'd in Mongolia to save a buddy. (Due to having a "can't compete in individual ICs....EVER" thing done.) And then I got invited back twice.

Naonka also had to quit her first game because of important IRL stuff (moving to the USA.)

Quitting is fine, as long it's for a good cause or for a good reason. :)
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Re: Final Words

Postby Paloma » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:45:55 pm

I felt like i was cheated our of writing my own end though. But still, I had fun this time. <3
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Re: Final Words

Postby Rudy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:23:40 pm

Paloma wrote:I felt like i was cheated our of writing my own end though. But still, I had fun this time. <3

Sorry, I wanted to be an asshole to you just for the sake of it. lol
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