Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:16:46 pm

Or erm frank!
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Frank » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:17:10 pm

(I'm not Willard but I said in Ponderosa I'll go next since they aren't here yet, so might as well not waste the time)
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Holly Hoffman » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:25:12 pm

Frank wrote:(I'm not Willard but I said in Ponderosa I'll go next since they aren't here yet, so might as well not waste the time)

Shave his head, close enough.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Gina » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:25:25 pm

Frank wrote:
Gina Almost didn't see you there. icon_troll You really sucked at making me believe you're my ally. You either can't lie to save your life or didn't bother. You gave away the most out of this Final 3, and almost cost you guys the game had I agreed with Paloma to vote Rudy at F6. Lucky for you I wanted to take my chances with the challenges so I had to take Willie out. What did you do that Cirie didn't do better?

You know what Frank, I admit that I AM too trusting of a person, it's true. I'm a terrible liar, I did give away the most. I admit to all of that. Yet here I am, instead of you. So what does that say?

Oh and, if I thought you were ever voting for Rudy at F6 my idol would have been played on him. Just so you know.

As for what I did better than Cirie- I was more in-the-know. I believe I was closer to you, who was sort of considered the hub of decision making for quite a while. I was the one who saved Rudy time and time again, when Cirie had prevoted and was absent. I had to work around her prevotes to accomplish my ends, whereas she had the convenience of leaving them and then hoping it works out in her favor. I was never paranoid, and always knew I was in control- look at any of her farewell messages at Tribal to know that she never thought that of herself. Plainly put, I worked harder than her.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rudy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:25:32 pm

. My question is, do you think this game would've turned out any different if you were replaced with a scarecrow? Also, anything you regret not doing?

Yeah, it would have been different, because scarecrows wouldn't have been able to annoy the hell out of you guys as much as I did, and I enjoyed it so much. icon_troll

I have two regrets:
1) Not making more of a social effort with Willard and Sarah. Not that it would have made much of a difference, but it really goes to show that I have a lot of pride and that IF my game would have been improved by talking to them, I wouldn't have done it. That's just me being honest.
2) Blindsiding Paloma the way I did. It was pure maliciousness on my part, and I feel bad that I didn't let her go out the way she wanted. It was really unnecessary on my part to lie to Frank/Paloma, but I wanted Gina/Cirie to feel the heat for once while also rubbing it in the face of Frank whom was a major bitter ass the last few days. Not my proudest moment.

And in other news, my message to jury:
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rudy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:28:02 pm

Also, has most of the jury already voted and won't be here tonight? lol
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:28:39 pm

Rudy wrote:Also, has most of the jury already voted and won't be here tonight? lol

Yes, but that doesnt mean they cant show up and change their minds.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Gina » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:29:08 pm

Rudy wrote:Also, has most of the jury already voted and won't be here tonight? lol

I can't wait to read the voting confessionals. icon_laughing
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Gregg » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:30:33 pm

Rudy wrote:Also, has most of the jury already voted and won't be here tonight? lol

i have not voted yet so make sure you dont post that gif of the real housewive lady
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Frank » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:30:43 pm

Gina wrote:Oh and, if I thought you were ever voting for Rudy at F6 my idol would have been played on him. Just so you know.

You wouldn't have known anything was different, if we did, I wouldn't have let Paloma tell you. So the fact that you didn't play it at all means Rudy could've easily gone home then. You kept that idol instead of securing your Final 3 ally for sure.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Gina » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:31:22 pm

Frank wrote:
Gina wrote:Oh and, if I thought you were ever voting for Rudy at F6 my idol would have been played on him. Just so you know.

You wouldn't have known anything was different, if we did, I wouldn't have let Paloma tell you. So the fact that you didn't play it at all means Rudy could've easily gone home then. You kept that idol instead of securing your Final 3 ally for sure.

Frank, you're not a subtle player. Sowwy but I would have figured it out.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Frank » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:33:05 pm

Gina wrote:
Frank wrote:
Gina wrote:Oh and, if I thought you were ever voting for Rudy at F6 my idol would have been played on him. Just so you know.

You wouldn't have known anything was different, if we did, I wouldn't have let Paloma tell you. So the fact that you didn't play it at all means Rudy could've easily gone home then. You kept that idol instead of securing your Final 3 ally for sure.

Frank, you're not a subtle player. Sowwy but I would have figured it out.

Lol how, it would've just been a last minute "Hey Paloma vote Rudy" and nothing would've been different. Paloma was already clearing wanting to vote Rudy and THAT didn't tip you off to do it. icon_rolleyes
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rudy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:34:04 pm

You gave away the most out of this Final 3, and almost cost you guys the game had I agreed with Paloma to vote Rudy at F6.

Once again, people are truly underestimating the bond I had with Cirie and Gina. These two bitches were NEVER letting me leave this game, and they jury has only themselves to blame for this. Our alliance was so unbreakable and bond by a need to keep each other safe that we were never going anywhere unless someone immunity whored their way past us.

I really wish I were sorrier about this outcome for the sake of the jury's feelings/opinion on this F3, but I'm not. I made an alliance with the two mot influential people in this game whom also happened to have had the weakest jury perception, and ensured that I'd be in the F3. My strategy worked.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Gina » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:34:47 pm

Well jeez I'm sure glad you didn't! Good move BTW! ^_^
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:34:47 pm

As Cirie posts her answers for Frank, I'll go ahead and post the final jury question.

Willard has opted not to ask a question, says he's confident in who he's voting for.

Paloma will close us out, and it is a doosie!

Paloma wrote:Hello F3. Congratulations. I am truly happy for you, but let’s just say I can be happier. However you got there though, you three deserve it.

Ultimately, I am quite pleased with how I ended my game. And the journey towards getting to 5th, was something that I would look back on with much delight. But, I can’t say that there isn’t bitterness in my heart, maybe there’s a little bit of drop of bitterness there.

Gina, you and I were in an alliance since NuTurukawa. I looked back at our conversations and I realized that we talked more about real life stuff than the actual game. Know that they are sincere, they are true. I still want to know how’s your life going to be like when you move to a bigger city. My bitterness for you is stemming from the fact that at the end game, you distanced yourself from me. I felt like I deserve a little honesty, or maybe just respect. Even our daily random conversations had to end because the game suddenly kept us apart. It’s possible to be on the odd side of numbers and yet maintain a good conversation. I had it with Teresa, though I am realizing now it’s a one-way thing, but hey I tried to make it work.

Cirie, I can’t blame you for feeling bad because people think so lowly of you. But you think so low of me too. So that’s where my bitterness is coming from.

Rudy, you knew I was ready to go. I was okay with it. The only think I asked was for you to let me go on my own terms. I was going to do something that would complete my journey. But in the end, you asked me to vote for Gina which ultimately cheated me of going out with a complete journey.

Harsh words would be thrown at you. I know got them at Ponderosa. But I ask you not to put up your shield. But instead, filter. Take the good, treasure it. Sort out the bad, let go. That’s what I am doing anyway.

Like with Taj, even though there is some sense of victory that I have outlasted her in all the games I have played with her – one time she even Janu’ed for me – she will still represent how bad I can be at this game. She will forever remind me that I can be a bad person, that I can burn friendships, and that sometimes, there’s just no way to fix it. I will take that reminder, and know from now on that I will always be careful about what I say and how to control my emotions.

With Brenda, I learned that I can be good too at this game. She’s the one who truly understands how I play, and she reminds me that despite the fact that I’m a lightweight at these games, I can throw a good uppercut every so often.

With NaOnka, I learned not to be scared. I am coming here very intimidated by a lot of names. One of them being NaOnka. But I made a good alliance with her. From her I learned not to be scared, and to give people second chances, after all she gave me one too.

With Gregg, I learned not to take things too seriously. To have fun, to laugh, and just be carefree. We can be stuck up and stubborn at times, but seeing how Gregg played the game, I envy that he can have so much fun with it, something that sometimes I can’t have because I am eaten by paranoia.

With Sarah, I saw what I can possible do. I feel that she is a sweet and kind person, but when she wants something she’ll do it. No matter if people call her crazy and unpredictable. Because truth is, I would have done what she did, except that she is much braver than I.

With Teresa, I learned about passion. About the game. About a balance between your emotions and need for validation and at the same time focus on what’s important in the game.

With Willard, I learned when to talk and when not to. What to say and what not to. I learned that there’s a benefit in listening and exploring from the side, and shine when the time is right.

With Frank, I learned about loyalty. About not judging. I didn’t see my alliance with him lasting, but in the end, my partnership with him was the one I was most loyal to. Something I didn’t think I was capable of doing.

With Gina, I learned that it is possible to make big plays without actually destroying hearts along the way. Trust me, that’s my biggest flaw in this game, but you taught me a valuable lesson about how to rebuild broken relationships.

With Cirie, I learned how to be perceptive. And with a keen perception, I now know which people to fully trust, and which to just let go of. I also learned to manage my ego, to not feed it too much. To just play as hard as I could.

With Rudy, the greatest lesson that I learned is despite the fact we do evil things, and call each other KING this or QUEEN that, the truest basic core of everyone of us playing this game is to ultimately make a basic human connection. And above all else, there’s kindness and beauty in you.

My question is this, what have you learned from everyone here? List down every member of the jury,and the F3 – tell me something that you have learned from them. If any.

And secondly, let’s play a game. I employ the strategy of predicting how people are going to react and think about the best games for everyone and try to stop it if it doesn’t benefit me. And to successfully do that, you have to have a good read of everyone in the game. I want you to write sort of a fan fiction. Not necessarily long, just twelve steps. The object is BRING TAJ TO THE F3 WITH YOU.

Lay out the plan on how you plan to get yourself and Taj in the F3. This will show me how much you know your competitiors, you well you can predict their actions, and how your mind creatively makes a way to come up with plans that way beyond the left field.

The given is simple, same 12 people who make the merge, Gina and I have the idol.

Thank you!
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rudy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:35:45 pm

Gregg wrote:
Rudy wrote:Also, has most of the jury already voted and won't be here tonight? lol

i have not voted yet so make sure you dont post that gif of the real housewive lady

Thanks for the reminder. Even if I don't get your vote, I haven't needed to call on the power of Teresa yet...
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Frank » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:35:45 pm

Rudy wrote:
You gave away the most out of this Final 3, and almost cost you guys the game had I agreed with Paloma to vote Rudy at F6.

Once again, people are truly underestimating the bond I had with Cirie and Gina. These two bitches were NEVER letting me leave this game, and they jury has only themselves to blame for this. Our alliance was so unbreakable and bond by a need to keep each other safe that we were never going anywhere unless someone immunity whored their way past us.

I really wish I were sorrier about this outcome for the sake of the jury's feelings/opinion on this F3, but I'm not. I made an alliance with the two mot influential people in this game whom also happened to have had the weakest jury perception, and ensured that I'd be in the F3. My strategy worked.

First of all, I wasn't talking to you then. Secondly, she didn't use her idol on you and you could have left with my vote and Palomas vote. So she did leave you unprotected just so she can make a point that she doesn't need the idol icon_wink
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Gregg » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:36:01 pm

Rudy wrote:
You gave away the most out of this Final 3, and almost cost you guys the game had I agreed with Paloma to vote Rudy at F6.

Once again, people are truly underestimating the bond I had with Cirie and Gina. These two bitches were NEVER letting me leave this game, and they jury has only themselves to blame for this. Our alliance was so unbreakable and bond by a need to keep each other safe that we were never going anywhere unless someone immunity whored their way past us.

I really wish I were sorrier about this outcome for the sake of the jury's feelings/opinion on this F3, but I'm not. I made an alliance with the two mot influential people in this game whom also happened to have had the weakest jury perception, and ensured that I'd be in the F3. My strategy worked.

At some point though u should have stabbed them in the neck and tried to go to f3 with Sarah cause everyone besides me in the jury house randomly hates her and they dont hate gina or cirie .
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Cirie » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:37:40 pm

Frank wrote:[img]
First of all, Cirie wanted to vote Rudy out the night Gregg left, she made a big case about it. So don't tell me you had this all planned out. Second of all, the exile twist isn't why you are disappointing finalists, you have obsessed over it too much. Brenda was an exile and she was the biggest threat in the game.

Cirie You know I think you played pretty well CONSIDERING your company, but your grave mistakes were also not PMing me enough to make me believe in you as an ally. If the situation was any different and I had a different plan other than the challenges one, maybe it could've cost you. Paloma did carry you a lot this game, she talked so highly of you that it made no sense to try to take you out or she would've went all emotional and irrational. I was gonna asking you something else but you answered it, so, same thing goes for you as for Gina, tell me what you did better than her?

That's true about Rudy and thank you for bringing it up. I ultimately voted for Gregg, but Rudy was not a part of the Exile alliance at the time. Brenda, Gina, and I developed those plans at the final 20. We did have a group PM powwow before the vote and thought it was important to keep Rudy in the game.

Regarding your question, I absolutely respect Gina as a player and I think that we made similar moves in this game. However, I think I can distinguish myself from her game play in a couple of ways. I did not sit out in exile and had to participate in every single round of this series. I also had a more intense experience gearing up to the merge. Gina only needed to vote out Dave Ball and Ami. (And I was there for the Dave Ball boot.) I know most of you weren’t there to see it—but the Nunudegei days were INTENSE! I was constantly positioned as a swing vote and voted out Ami, Patricia, and John.

Gina and I kind of played different roles in the merge. She was more entrenched in her alliance, while I was kind of playing in the trenches. I developed some substantive connections with Gregg, Willard, and Paloma—These guys kept me safe and bolstered my reputation. I didn’t have a hidden immunity idol to rely on and constantly had to make sure that I was safe from flips. You and I also did a very under appreciated move in this game. We were working with Teresa and trying to mitigate any risk there to protect our alliance.

Finally, I won the final immunity challenge. And it was an important win to execute our plans.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Cirie » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:38:36 pm

Frank wrote:[img]
First of all, Cirie wanted to vote Rudy out the night Gregg left, she made a big case about it. So don't tell me you had this all planned out. Second of all, the exile twist isn't why you are disappointing finalists, you have obsessed over it too much. Brenda was an exile and she was the biggest threat in the game.

Cirie You know I think you played pretty well CONSIDERING your company, but your grave mistakes were also not PMing me enough to make me believe in you as an ally. If the situation was any different and I had a different plan other than the challenges one, maybe it could've cost you. Paloma did carry you a lot this game, she talked so highly of you that it made no sense to try to take you out or she would've went all emotional and irrational. I was gonna asking you something else but you answered it, so, same thing goes for you as for Gina, tell me what you did better than her?

That's true about Rudy and thank you for bringing it up. I ultimately voted for Gregg, but Rudy was not a part of the Exile alliance at the time. Brenda, Gina, and I developed those plans at the final 20. We did have a group PM powwow before the vote and thought it was important to keep Rudy in the game.

Regarding your question, I absolutely respect Gina as a player and I think that we made similar moves in this game. However, I think I can distinguish myself from her game play in a couple of ways. I did not sit out in exile and had to participate in every single round of this series. I also had a more intense experience gearing up to the merge. Gina only needed to vote out Dave Ball and Ami. (And I was there for the Dave Ball boot.) I know most of you weren’t there to see it—but the Nunudegei days were INTENSE! I was constantly positioned as a swing vote and voted out Ami, Patricia, and John.

Gina and I kind of played different roles in the merge. She was more entrenched in her alliance, while I was kind of playing in the trenches. I developed some substantive connections with Gregg, Willard, and Paloma—These guys kept me safe and bolstered my reputation. I didn’t have a hidden immunity idol to rely on and constantly had to make sure that I was safe from flips. You and I also did a very under appreciated move in this game. We were working with Teresa and trying to mitigate any risk there to protect our alliance.

Finally, I won the final immunity challenge. And it was an important win to execute our plans.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rudy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:40:26 pm

Frank wrote:
Rudy wrote:
You gave away the most out of this Final 3, and almost cost you guys the game had I agreed with Paloma to vote Rudy at F6.

Once again, people are truly underestimating the bond I had with Cirie and Gina. These two bitches were NEVER letting me leave this game, and they jury has only themselves to blame for this. Our alliance was so unbreakable and bond by a need to keep each other safe that we were never going anywhere unless someone immunity whored their way past us.

I really wish I were sorrier about this outcome for the sake of the jury's feelings/opinion on this F3, but I'm not. I made an alliance with the two mot influential people in this game whom also happened to have had the weakest jury perception, and ensured that I'd be in the F3. My strategy worked.

First of all, I wasn't talking to you then. Secondly, she didn't use her idol on you and you could have left with my vote and Palomas vote. So she did leave you unprotected just so she can make a point that she doesn't need the idol icon_wink

LOL ooooo girl someone's got an attitude tonight! Still stomping mad that your plan that you had for 2 WHOLE weeks didn't work? Little girl, take a seat.

So by your admission, it seems like Gina and you/Paloma all made mistakes, no? Whatever, Frank. The only way I would have left at F6 is due to production's idiot pre-vote rule. I wouldn't have pre-voted Cirie if I had any inclination of being booted. You guys couldn't blindside me all game and it wasn't going to happen at F6 either. But if it makes YOU feel better about YOUR failed game, then go ahead and believe it. I'm glad I'm not the only "delusional" one here.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rudy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:43:44 pm

Gregg wrote:
At some point though u should have stabbed them in the neck and tried to go to f3 with Sarah cause everyone besides me in the jury house randomly hates her and they dont hate gina or cirie .

I never thought Sarah wanted to work with me, because every time made a step forward with her, she would take it 3 steps back. It was unrealistic for me to work with her. Willard on the other hand, we had very similar positions in the game, and I actually wanted to go F4 with him.
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Frank » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:44:52 pm

Cirie, Gina, thank you for your answers. icon_smile

Rudy... icon_rolleyes
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Cirie » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:45:35 pm

Is Paloma planning to be here tonight?
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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:48:30 pm

Cirie wrote:Is Paloma planning to be here tonight?

No, hse has left her prevote.
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