Brenda Lowe wrote:There are times in this game where it will be critical for you to be able to post an image, sometimes against the clock. This is probably baby-steps for some of you, but just to make sure you're all up to speed, here's a quick step by step guide.
1) First things first, you're gonna need to grab the URL of the image you want. For example, we'll use my hot hot Avatar.
Now you can go the long way round, and View the image (here for example; ... daLowe.jpg ) and then you can go up to the address bar at the top and then copy the URL.. Or there is an even quicker way too.
right-click on the image you need, and look for the option that says
"copy image location", like so;

This will save the URL to your computer's clipboard. So far so good, now to post it.
2) Go to your reply-box, and look along the top for the button marked
"Img", like so;

Click that. It will create a set of image tags, that look like this;
- Code: Select all
Of course you could type those out just as easily, if you find it quicker :o
Now you need to
"paste" your URL between these image tags. (i.e. Either Right click > Paste, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on a Mac)) which ought to give you this;
- Code: Select all
All good?
3) Click Submit!
You should end up with this!
Piece of cake right?
Do practice here if you need to. We won't laugh. (..much :P )