Actually no, fuck that. You have horribad judgment, I am just going to tell you what's good here. And you need to not be an idiot with this information and get us both voted out of this game cuz I won't be here tomorrow to clean up your messes. Basically keep this just between us and use this information to come up with a scheme that accomplishes the ends of what I'm about to tell you without implicating me for spilling all this info.
So, let's just start this off and say this: I got FUCKED on that other tribe. And I HATED it. Every second. Every post I made in my confessional was "PLEASE END THIS TORTURE." In the first vote, Teresa had a few people on the tribe spooked about some fake idol she had. So I said, fine idiots, let's split the vote. Three votes for Teresa, three for Naonka. But Cirie and Gregg for whatever reason decided instead to vote Mia making the vote 4-2-2. They claimed they wanted to bust up Mia/Patricia as a power alliance (or at least Cirie did) but obviously that wasn't the case when after they promised to all vote Teresa with me in the next vote, Cirie voted for Patricia and Gregg voted for ME resulting in that 3-3-1 vote. Why did I get a vote? They were worried Patricia had an idol

John and I were basically completely blindsided by both those things happening and afterwards both Cirie and Gregg had some bullshit excuses about how they wanted to tell us but couldn't cuz they were worried we might have idols. They still wanted to work with us though, for real!
So I spent all of the last round arguing with Gregg and Cirie that we needed to keep John and boot Naonka or Teresa. They said they were doing it until literally three minutes before the vote when I finally got Cirie to tell me she felt safer going with Naonka than John because he is "shady." Gregg didn't even tell me he was voting John, he kept telling me him and Cirie were voting Naonka right up until the deadline. He was not "shady" he voted EXACTLY how he said he would EVERY round and all he was, was bad at PMs. It pissed me the fuck off, but I've been holding my tongue cuz I wanted to see how things would flesh out here.
Well, here's how things shook out: I've promised those assholes my loyalty in the merge claiming that I am of the belief that your tribe of seven is SUPER TIGHT and we need to combat you guys and they're going along with that and saying "oh yeah, we need to break them up." So before the merge Teresa was telling me she was convinced you/Frank/Paloma/Gina were running shit over here and that you were definitely the figurehead of it all but now she's backed off I guess because Gregg is telling me they want to vote Gina? But I seriously don't get that at all since you are clearly more of a challenge threat and it's like a 180 from what Teresa told me before the merge.
Now that's all well and good for my tribe, but here's what you need to know. Nearly everyone over there is trying to convince me that we need to vote for one of you guys and not Rudy/Taj because Rudy/Taj were the people who were in the minority on your tribe last vote. My thought is this: Rudy is Gregg's partner and Taj is Teresa's BFF from original Malalalalakaka or whatever the fuck. To make this even more clear for you, they literally all celebrated every round since the second swap when people would leave, collectively. Teresa, Taj, Rudy, etc.
So, basically, Gina can't leave. You can't leave. I can't leave, and we need to be willing to go to rocks tomorrow to make sure someone from those six leaves. IDC whom. I'm not going to just hand the game to the people that lied to me every round and voted out all of my allies from Degei and Turukawa in sequence, that's totally retarded. Also, I just don't want to have to suck up to Teresa etc all game. Fielding PMs from Gregg when he is not with you is actually awful and I totally get why people don't like him sometimes lol.
As for who we should vote for, honestly, I'd say Gregg or Rudy. Neither will win immunity and both won't get the HII either assuming no one from our side wins it. Of course, I'd LOVE to take out Taj or Teresa if you're down but it might be a harder sell and they will probably both be immune knowing how psycho they are.
Let me know what you think, I'll try and check in once tomorrow to get a response. Please feel free to work without me here tomorrow .