by Linda Spencer » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:24:59 pm
Turukawa Rankings
1. Mia - kind of awesome. I expect her to go batshit soon.
2. Na Onka - though liable to go down, I could find her act tired at some point
3. Patricia - just very fun, personable
4. Cirie - interesting enough I suppose
5. Paloma - just comes off fake as fuck
6. Ben - bleh
7. Gregg - bleh
Paloma seems to be in a very powerful position in the tribe and very few people have caught on. Na Onka wants to weaken Mia by taking out Cirie..but I don't think Cirie is that high a priority for her. She's definitely right when she says taking out Ben would be bad in regards to that though. I feel Mia is not going to last long in this game, because everyone seems wary of what she is doing, even when she isn't doing much. Disappointed Patricia isn't doing more. I understand her wanting to be low key after last season, but the fact is she isn't coming off that great.