Episode 13

Episode 13

Postby Holly Hoffman » Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:51:03 pm

Ok, that was up there as one of the most dramatic tribal councils I have witnessed in Stranded.

What happened? Even I'm shocked and I'm not even playing!

How did that vote go down? How do the voting lines influence how this game will go? What's your next step?
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Holly Hoffman
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Gina » Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:25:43 pm

Holly Hoffman wrote:Ok, that was up there as one of the most dramatic tribal councils I have witnessed in Stranded.

What happened? Even I'm shocked and I'm not even playing!

How did that vote go down? How do the voting lines influence how this game will go? What's your next step?

Here's what happened. I wanted to vote Teresa because she is the biggest threat in the game. Sarah wanted immunity so she vetoed and Frank went along with it. What we should have done is say, sorry Sarah, Teresa's leaving tonight. What we did was cater to her and target the other duo left in the game, Rudy and Gregg. This in and of itself is fucking stupid but whatever. So Paloma and Cirie prevote Rudy and leave. This is after Frank told them to vote Rudy. Why the fuck they're voting out a predictable free agent who could work with us is beyond me, it was so mind bogglingly stupid I couldn't understand it. So Brenda and I push hard to vote out Gregg. I didn't want him to leave, but his votes are unpredictable and I know Rudy will vote with me after I campaigned to keep him.

Now Sarah and Frank are coming at me with a F3 deal and I accepted. It hurts to say this, but Frank would beat me at FTC because he's at every event and seems to be calling the shots, whereas my real life is really hectic and I work during peak stranded hours. So whatever. I'll have to vote both of them out and it won't look good on me but I'm still hoping I can take Cirie and Rudy to the end and hopefully win. I really want to start changing things up around here though. I may start working with Teresa again. I don't know. I've got the idol and I don't want to just ride it out til the end, either. I'm gonna use that thing or go home with it in my back pocket.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Gina » Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:42:40 am

Teresa's trying to play me HARD against Frank and Brenda- and it's kind of working although it's super transparent. She says she won't vote for someone unless they vote Brenda at the next vote, and I see that happening. I could buy her vote this round and take out a huge threat. I pretty much have to vote out Brenda at the next TC I feel like. After that I'm thinking I can vote out Frank? Him having like 80% control of how our tribe votes is getting fucking annoying and I couldn't live if he won the game. After that I think I could pick up Rudy, Cirie and Paloma to vote out Teresa? I need to make her feel in danger though to get rid of her immunity. Have to do the same thing to Sarah too after Brenda's vote. Ugh. This won't be easy.
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