by Caryn » Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:09:26 am
As it stands now:
Teresa & Naonka are obviously on the outs.
Out of the Big 8 Person Alliance, Rudy & Willard are the bottom 2, although they could be taken as goats.
At this point Rudy prolly knows he's the lowest on the totem pole, so he could be trying to conjure up something.
Paloma & Cirie are in the middle of the pack. They're an obvious duo in the game, and they will be taken out some point down the line.
Sarah is basically the person everyone wants to drag to the end as a goat, cause no one will vote for her ass.
Brenda, Frank & Gina are the Core 3, however I do believe one of Brenda/Frank will turn on the other at some point and Gina will join up with whomever it is.
Hell, maybe even the Bottom 5 of the Big 8 Alliance will join up and take out those 3.
Right now, here is how I think the game will go from here:
10th Place: NaOnka (Cause Teresa has the immunity tailsman)
9th Place: Teresa (Too big of a threat to keep around longer)
8th Place: Willard (Cause most people find him annoying)
7th Place: Brenda (Frank rallies up the troops turns on her for being too big of a threat, ala Tyson from this season)
6th Place: Paloma (Her & Cirie are a dangerous pair, Paloma is more dangerous)
5th Place: Rudy (More Dangerous than Cirie)
4th Place: Cirie (Pretty much ineffective without Paloma)
All Venezuela F3:
3rd Place: Sarah (0 Votes)
2nd Place: Gina (Maybe 1 or 2 Votes)
Winner: Frank (Rest of the votes)
I think Gina won't try to get rid of Frank cause I think she's delusional enough to think she can beat him in a FTC situation. Might think the Jury is bitter at him.
Sarah, on the other hand, is too bitchy and negative to even get someone on her side.