:o I had no idea who I was talking to till just now lol.
Maybe I'll share some stuff once I get a grasp on it myself. I haven't even been here much this weekend to figure stuff out. Is your tribe like super straight forward or something?
Nah, everyone wants different shit, and I'm pretty sure a few of your tribe mates are being shifty pricks and sending some 'not-so-truths' round my end to get people to do certain things.
I'm not at all. Unsurprisingly, the people you'd think to get together got together. Erica, Nay, Taj a few others. Still working out the details. But yeah, I got butt-fucked kinda hard.
Yeah, he is garbage. Um, so I want the core of this tribe to be you/me/Gregg/Cirie. You guys were my favos on the last tribe even though I hardly PMed. You down?