Episode 11

8th Place, 5th Juror

Episode 11

Postby Holly Hoffman » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:13:04 pm

Congratulations on making the merge! Quite an amazing achievement.

Did you expect to make it this far or has this been a shock?

How is the merge going to change your gameplan?

Do you feel more of less vulnerable now with more people around?

Is there anyone you are happy to be reunited with? Any you are not too pleased to see?

We lost John and Ami just before this merge. What do you make of those two All Stars leaving the game?

Are you glad I didn't also include the other seven confessional questions I had written down?
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Holly Hoffman
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Sarah » Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:43:08 pm

Congratulations on making the merge! Quite an amazing achievement.

Yahhh I know! Thanks boo. Congratulate me when I win! :o

Did you expect to make it this far or has this been a shock?

In all seriousness, no. I thought I'd be out early since this is Stranded with Legends. You'd think the All-Stars would get picked off and for the most part they did so it really is an achievement to be here over the people who really ran the show over in Venezuela.

How is the merge going to change your gameplan?

I really need to focus on alliance making and making sure these people want me in their game plans. If you aren't relevant, you go home. Simple as that. I need to be relevant.

Do you feel more of less vulnerable now with more people around?

I feel like I have more options of where I can go but I don't have a lot of time to choose because the two groups I can flip to are going to go head to head on Wednesday and I really need to be careful about where I go, you know?

Is there anyone you are happy to be reunited with? Any you are not too pleased to see?

Willard is nice to me so that's cool but other than that I don't really care.

We lost John and Ami just before this merge. What do you make of those two All Stars leaving the game?

Sucks to be them but John gets 14th for the third time so congratulations to him. :P

Are you glad I didn't also include the other seven confessional questions I had written down?
Please do.
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