But I guess in case you do I should arm you with knowledge.
I have no real clue wtf happened. I was voted out 5-3. The three votes being for Erica and as best I can figure Frank and one of Gina/Katie voted with me. But that could be completely wrong. What I do know is that Taj & Erica definitely did not. Taj was crying at TC about being an outsider along with Erica which is obviously not the case.

Erica is awful and half the fucking tribe (and people who went on to vote for me over her) were pushing her name to me, so that was unnessecary.
The middley votes of Ami/Teresa/whichever of Gina/Katie smack of me
not offering them an alliance, so therefore I must have one elsewhere without them. Yet fucking five of them voted for me. So idfk what their math skills are like. That I was being genuine when I said there is no alliances yet that I know of and lets develop one-on-ones until we lose the buffer boot everyone is pushing is just an unbelievable concept I guess.
There was also some bullshit story about how I bussed frank on one of the votes. It seemed like Ericas by deduction but I don't even know what it means. I have been nothing but happy families with everyone over there so it's just some made up BS for dramatics cos she gets off on that.
I expect they will try to throw tonight because presumably Leader Frank would bring me back to them to get himself out of a hole. Lol if that does happen, I will rain down fierce fury upon them all

They don't need to throw though. They are fucked in challenges from here out regardless. I'm assuming Frank will leave next and then they'll be slightly more fucked again. no matter which of us rejoins, I hope the tribes never shuffle lol. If I do get out of here, I will be asking (politely) if I might assume the leader role on whatever new tribe so I can lol in each of their faces as I leave them to fester in this place.
tl:dr Taj is running the show. Erica is very publicly her bff now. Teresa is likely quite close to that, and it suits Ami and whichever of Katie/Gina (more likely Katie) to stick with that for now.