Sarah wrote:Teresa wrote:Sarah wrote:Teresa wrote:Sarah wrote:Teresa wrote:Sarah don't bring my name into shit. You're the fucking one who sent ME, RUDY and NAY messages about getting Frank out this round, you fucking know it too don't fucking mess with me you sociopathic bitch. I didn't have time to tell anyone because the window was EIGHT fucking minutes. You're legitimately insane, whoever has enough financial excess in their lives please donate it to Sarah to help her get treatment and friends.
I'm a sociopath for not feeling bad about things I've done in a GAME?

The minute you make this personal is the moment you know you've lost.
You're a sociopath because you are fucking NUTS in and out of the context of this game. Like do you not see half the shit you post and all the caps you post around? You're mentally unstable and honey, if I were a millionaire I'd start a foundation named the Sarah Fund where fellow sociopathic people could come be your friends and walk through the ~12~ steps of treatment with you. You better pray honey, 'cause you're fucking shady as fuck. You shit talked Gina and Frank and how Frank is this huge threat and how you think Gina is rammed up his ass. You messed with the wrong fucking bitch, sit down.
I don't think you know what a sociopath is.

There you go.
Sociopaths are people who do not feel remorse for things they've done and don't understand empathy.
I'll quote you:
"I'm a sociopath for not feeling bad about things I've done in a GAME?

The minute you make this personal is the moment you know you've lost."
You just incriminated yourself for targeting Frank to us. You are literally stupid as fuck.