ATTN: Frank

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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:38:33 am

Rudy wrote:Nice move trying to bully me into voting Gina/Cirie out though, Frank. You're such a charmer. I honestly didn't have to lie to you about it, but I wanted to blindside you just to prove AGAIN how arrogantly naive you've been this entire merge. I feel bad about Paloma, but that blindside was directed solely towards you.

Frank has taken all his toys and left the playground now that he finally realizes no one wants to play with him. I'm just wondering when he found this out: during the Willard vote, now or 2 weeks ago like he claims. I guess I should just stop picking and prepare my FTC speech granted that Frank allows I make it that far. icon_troll

Bully you? I made my argument and that was that. Of course you were gonna tell me yes and I was gonna find out when the votes were read what your decision was. But I had to try. It's your game and you do what you want with it man. If painting me as naive gets you anything, you go ahead and try.

I find it funny how y'all bonded over being exiles and said you don't have a chance to win vs anyone else and now you try to paint me as someone who can't win, even though you've tried your hardest to get me out. If I was this arrogant naive idiot, I would think you'd want to take me as a goat to the end not go guns blazing trying to vote me out and paint me negatively. This only shows me you're scared.

I really don't know why you're making such a big and public deal for someone that barely escaped being voted out all merge and that got booted first over an inactive. You're only making a fool of yourself. So keep doing it. icon_thumbup
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:57:56 am

I find it funny how y'all bonded over being exiles and said you don't have a chance to win vs anyone else and now you try to paint me as someone who can't win, even though you've tried your hardest to get me out. If I was this arrogant naive idiot, I would think you'd want to take me as a goat to the end not go guns blazing trying to vote me out and paint me negatively. This only shows me you're scared.

Concerning how I view myself in this game, don't put words into my mouth, Frank. If I make it to the FTC, I'll explain why I made certain decisions and aligned with whom I did then and there. Quite frankly, I don't want you in the end, because I don't like you. However, like most things that have transpired in this game post-merge, I simply don't care whether you're at the end with me or not, because it's not going to change destiny one way or another. Tighten the noose around your neck even more why don't ya!

I really don't know why you're making such a big and public deal for someone that barely escaped being voted out all merge and that got booted first over an inactive. You're only making a fool of yourself. So keep doing it.

Darrrrling, it'll be all the more ironic when I beat you in this game.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:13:43 am

You do realize the only reason I didn't go ahead with Paloma and vote you yesterday was because Willard can actually compete in a challenge, right? You could've easily went right home with Cirie's prevote and your panic vote for Cirie. The only reason you won the Willard vs Rudy feud was because you weren't worth voting for.

You can continue making fun of yourself but please excuse me I have a winning speech to write.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:35:40 am

I love love love the notion that you've been some type of puppeteer here all along and have been deciding the course of this game. Instead of stepping out of Gina's shadow this entire time, you walked right into her and Cirie's web. The jury knows this. Everyone under the sun has warned you. Me, Teresa and I'm sure others.

You set yourself in a position where you had to win THREE immunities in a row while still having ZERO influence on the course of the game. That's pretty funny to me. I on the other hand willingly relinquished direct control of the game and haven't needed to win any immunities since Taj left due to my relationships with key beatable players that would keep me here even when I should have left so so so much earlier. That includes you too minus the "key" part.

Furthermore, if I went home because of a FLUKE like Cirie stray voting due to a ridiculous production-rule that wasn't made aware to any of us, then so be it, but let's not pretend like you would deserve credit for my ouster... but also lol @ you throwing Paloma under the bus with your revisionist theories . Are you saying that her group pm to you and I today was a complete lie? Was she reaaaally going to vote me out before Willard had you simply asked her to? How would you/Paloma/Willard boot me with only 3/6 votes? Would Rudy really stray vote Cirie if he thought there was a chance half the tribe was going to vote him? Hmmm!

The problem with blatantly fabricating history is that there's so many plot holes that you can poke through. You better be able to sell the jury beach front property in the Sahara Desert if you plan on winning this game. Good luck! ^_^
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Gina » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:38:18 am

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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:42:34 am

You are so delusional it's not even funny anymore. You're not worth my time. Cya at FTC, OH WAIT, you're not getting there.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:43:11 am

I'll respond to that when you ask me questions from the jury.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Gina » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:45:45 am

Frank wrote:I'll respond to that when you ask me questions from the jury.

lol if you really think he's gonna ask you questions from the jury
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:46:47 am

Gina wrote:
Frank wrote:I'll respond to that when you ask me questions from the jury.

lol if you really think he's gonna ask you questions from the jury

Even better, I know I'm not getting his vote so why bother.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Gina » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:48:25 am

That's the spirit
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:50:56 am

Frank wrote:You are so delusional it's not even funny anymore. You're not worth my time. Cya at FTC, OH WAIT, you're not getting there.

icon_troll Omg darling, I almost forgot! I guess I'll just sit back, relax and wait to be voted off 4th then like I've always planned!


Come for me, bitch. People have literally been trying to vote me out since the first day I returned into the game. I'm not all of a sudden afraid because you say you all of a sudden want to vote me out. icon_laughing
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Cirie » Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:59:32 pm

Um... So... I just went to tree mail and found the customary "Congrats on the Final Four" champaign and food basket. Er... Does anyone want to celebrate? icon_unsure

You have been throwing temper tantrums since Cirie's stupid slip up.

Stupid slip up? I would personally call that an unfortunate slip up due to stupid and uncontrolled circumstances. I'm still looking at you, production!
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Gina » Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:02:51 pm

Yeah, it really isn't Cirie's fault none of us were made aware of this rule that really has no reason to exist.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:02:13 pm

Cirie wrote:Um... So... I just went to tree mail and found the customary "Congrats on the Final Four" champaign and food basket. Er... Does anyone want to celebrate? icon_unsure

You have been throwing temper tantrums since Cirie's stupid slip up.

Stupid slip up? I would personally call that an unfortunate slip up due to stupid and uncontrolled circumstances. I'm still looking at you, production!

I'm not breaking bread with that loser. And sorry that came out wrong. I was calling the situation stupid, not you. I said in an earlier post how ridiculous that was considering we were unaware of that silly rule.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:57:26 pm

Lol awkward moment when I knew that Jeff didn't take backup votes icon_troll I checked with Brenda weeks ago when it was Rudy vs. Gregg. Why tell you if I don't have to icon_troll

Rudy, if I lose the challenge and get voted out, I hope you manage the rest of the jury the same way you did me. You're such a class act. icon_wink P.S. I didn't say I'm gonna vote you out, but when I'm immune, and the other two want to boot you, I'm not gonna give you the opportunity to make fire.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Cirie » Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:25:11 pm

I'm planning to stay consistent with my voting strategy of the last few rounds and either vote for someone who is immune or out of the game (i.e. Sarah)
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:45:07 pm

Frank wrote:Lol awkward moment when I knew that Jeff didn't take backup votes icon_troll I checked with Brenda weeks ago when it was Rudy vs. Gregg. Why tell you if I don't have to icon_troll

Rudy, if I lose the challenge and get voted out, I hope you manage the rest of the jury the same way you did me. You're such a class act. icon_wink P.S. I didn't say I'm gonna vote you out, but when I'm immune, and the other two want to boot you, I'm not gonna give you the opportunity to make fire.

It's still silly that a rule so important to voting wasn't explicitly made aware to all the players. It really doesn't matter though. lol

1) You threatened me that if I voted Paloma or you out that the other would consider not voting with me to tie it with Cirie/Gina. Even after the TC, you told Gina you'd like to give her 4th place, but that you promised it to me already. You're contradicting yourself now. Did you forget this thread is public?
2) I find it amusing that you think I haven't planned for how my position would be if I made F4 with Cirie/Gina. Again, you think you know everything, yet you haven't really known what was going on behind the scenes since F7. They've both played very similar games. Why go to the end with each other under these circumstances, essentially splitting their potential voting pool??? At this point with the game just being about over, us 3 rational players are loyal to each other just about as much as they were loyal to you. Oh wait...
3) After you were blindsided a second tribal in a row with Paloma's boot, you made fun of me for what you assume was a game-ending move. You attacked me first. I stayed quiet during TC. Go back and read.

If you slap me on the wrist first, I'm going to hit you back with a bazooka. That's who I am and I'm not apologizing for it. Don't come for me unless I send for you.

p.s. I thought this was your plan? You're definitely winning the last IC, because that's what you planned 2 weeks ago.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:50:39 pm

I find it funny that you really expected me to tell you otherwise than "Them two will vote you out". Whether that's true or not. What you're actually doing is showing your hand to the other two. One of them must be going "huh, he seems fairly sure he wouldn't be voted out 4th, now why is that?". Please continue, tell me more about your master plan.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:01:42 pm

Frank wrote:I find it funny that you really expected me to tell you otherwise than "Them two will vote you out". Whether that's true or not. What you're actually doing is showing your hand to the other two. One of them must be going "huh, he seems fairly sure he wouldn't be voted out 4th, now why is that?". Please continue, tell me more about your master plan.

lol @ you thinking I'm showing my hand when both of them already know how I feel about this F4 situation. The reason our alliance has worked out all along since the merge began is because we're all rational players that know how to make decisions for ourselves. I don't have to brainwash them into making the best decision. The facts speak for themselves, and hopefully they'll make the best one for themselves.

And I love how you ignored the rest of my post, because you know I'm telling the truth. You're so transparent. Like EVERY "fight" I've had with another player this season, you attacked me first. Don't suddenly get sensitive and call me "unclassy" because I'm serving you to the gods right now.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:04:42 pm

No, Rudy, I ignored the rest of the post because it didn't interest me. How does that make you feel?
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:06:10 pm

Frank wrote:No, Rudy, I ignored the rest of the post because it didn't interest me. How does that make you feel?

Accomplished. At least you're starting to finally admit defeat. I want the best for you.
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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:11:37 pm

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Re: ATTN: Frank

Postby Rudy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:14:06 pm

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