Jeff's Queefs

Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:21:32 pm

I cannot believe that no one has discovered the HII yet... it's sitting right there and I would have thought at least one of these seasoned players would think to check, but... then again i guess I have been doing the password forum for so long now no one would suspect anything.
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:02:36 pm


Two of Stranded's biggest goddesses and they HATE one another. I hope they both stay around forever just hating eachother <333 but if one of them gets the other out, I don't know who I would want to stay around more...
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Linda Spencer » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:22:08 pm

Why the flying fuck were you PMing "moisture" to yourself?
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:34:17 pm

:D I was changing the PM colors from a white background
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:36:58 pm

:D I was changing the PM colors from a white background
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Becky Lee » Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:34:40 pm

Why can't Taj just hold it together for a little bit? D:
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:01:52 pm

Let's get right down to it.


The amazing dynamics going on on this tribe are so interesting and really captivating that I cannot spend enough time talking about it. I really hope they win Immunity a lot because I don't want anyone here to go. I'll go in order of who interests me the most so far

Teresa - I'll start with who I think is out to the best start. Teresa has a ton of haters in this game, some are even on her tribe. Despite this she is still able to make a large alliance with all of her fellow GTFO-exilees. I think my favorite thing going on here is her hatred of Brenda... she's really the anti-brenda if you think about it, but I'll touch more on that later. She so far has managed to turn the entire tribe against Brenda and is slowly but surely getting her to be the first target. The other good thing about Teresa is her ability to use people who are on the outs like Erica and keep them longer as a vote. I see a solid alliance forming with her, taj and ami, which really gives me goosebumps because it's beyond hot. Finding the idol puts her as the most dangerous person in this game and it's day 2.

Brenda - Well she's not off to a great start. Brenda's best asset is what's making her the most vulnerable here... but it also may just save her. Already people are saying that they feel closest to her. She hosted most of them so there's a real mothering essense about her. They feel like they're her children in some aspect. The biggest hurdle for most players would be voting out their mother, and we're about to find out how effective Teresa's aggressive game play is.

Ami - Ami is so amazing. I totally did not expect her to align with Taj and Teresa, infact I expected most people to gang up on them. But now that she has it totally makes sense. Ami has an uncanny knack for clinging onto the hot heads and wildcards and riding them to the end, and if yo uthink about it, it's brilliant. I mean I don't think I would personally be able to go with Teresa blindly knowing how big of a ticking timebomb she is, but you gotta admire Ami for doing it. What will be really interesting is if Teresa is able to convince her to boot Brenda who she seems VERY close to.

Frank - This one's interesting... he's a new kid on the block and for frank, he's coming off of being the leader and bully of his tribe. Now he's actually UTR and I think he should stay that way. Will he? Hell no, it's Frank. Now he's going around and trying to drum up solid alliances, but he's out of his depth. No offense to you ladies, but he was playing with new players who weren't experienced and was able to shephard them through the game in a hate-groupthink against Diane... that aint happening this time around. These players are too smart to be blinded by that. So he could really be in trouble early here and it would not shock me at all if he ends up an early boot.

Gina - Gina on the otherhand is coming off of playing a very successful underdog game which nearly awarded her the win. She is used to being in this position and she's really great at it. I think she will thrive here. Here's the hard part for me. I think Gina needs to really step it up this season or she will be viewed as a pawn amongst queens. That won't get her the win.

Katie - I'm intrigued by Katie. Everyone knows she's by far my favorite player in Stranded history. I just love the bitch. But here's the thing, this time it's different. She's really not motivated to play, she almost quit last minute but kinda just agreed to go along for the ride. The thing about Katie is that there's no doubt in my mind, give it a week and if she's still around she will be playing this guns blazing. She can't help herself. So I really like that she's flying UTR here and I think itll work out for her pre-merge. I would say she's a lock for the merge, I'd be surprised if she went out early.

Taj - Taj is amazing. I'm soooo glad I get to see her play again. I think seh's got a tough road here. She's a freaking hot mess. Teresa is there though and I think Teresa will be able to control her throughout the game, and actually that's a good thing for Taj because she needs the focus. She can get paranoid and go into self destruct mode and Teresa wont let that happen. So really I see her doing well here, but it just depends on if she gets to stay with Teresa throughout the game, apart from her... I don't have much faith. Rooting for her though obviously.

Erica - I fucking love this bitch. I don't know why no one else does. She's loyal, she's outspoken, she's the fucking DREAM alliance member. Yet she gets put in these odd positions in stranded and ends up going premerge. I'm really really hoping she finally gets her break in this game. I think it could happen but we'll just have to see. She deserves it.
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:14:21 pm


I'm really pulling for this little tribe of underdogs. WHY THE FUCK IS IT SO INACTIVE?! Regardless it has some of the biggest starpower in the game so it has no excuse to be. Again I'll go with the most interesting first.

Willard - So Willard was one of the first to arrive, and he says that's rare for him. I'm really intrigued by Willard. He's played three times, but he's such an understated Legend. It seems like the first two times he was kind of in Scout's shadow, which is understandable because it's fucking Scout. The third time he played he was booted second. This time, I'd love to see him get his hands dirty on his own. We've never seen that from him. I do know he's fucking amazing when he's on the outs. Such a huge personality. I also know he's not stupid either, he's a good player. I think he could do it here and I would love nothing more than to see him in his prime. I just hope he finds the time to do it and has the motivation to. He's off to an amazing start and I just love seeing him interact with some of the newer players.

Sarah - This. Bitch. LOVE HER. I'm really hoping and praying htat Dave Ball gives her the leadership role. That's just such a great turnaround from her first season. I love that Sean and Sarah are trying so desparately to distance themselves from eachtoher, but no one gives a fuck, the tribe is inactive and you two are the most active of everyone on it, so just align and shut up. Willard certainly didn't mind, he wants to align wiht them both. Sarah's interesting because not unlike Taj, she has a self destruct button that she hits when things go wrong. That's incredibly entertaining, but ultimately makes me worry for her here. Will people trust her enough to work with her? I don'tk now, but I certainly hope so.

Sean - Sean's got this game by the balls man. He really has a good gameplan, he's a strong player, but possibly too strong? He needs to learn to have a cool off period somewhere in there. Like... you can fake play a bunch of idols pre-merge, but maybe not win immunities and lead an alliance in the merge or something, at least not until later in the game when it's safer. We'll see if he overplays this one as well. One thing's for sure, he will be around for a while here.

Rudy - I love that Sean is the modern day Rudy. I'm not sure why but they both remind me of one another. Rudy's a little more ruthless though and that works to his advantage. Rudy very narily won this game twice, he played amazingly well despite his target a third time...Fourth time out, he's almost not even on the radar which is perfect. Being not as active will work to his advantage here. He is rubbing Sarah the wrong way by bragging about his past. I think he's used to people being so enthralled with his stories of old days that they want to play with him... Sarah's not that girl though. I think that wouldve worked much better with Sean. Hopefully doesn't bite him in the ass too hard here.

Christy - She's a great playe rand I'm very excited to see her here. She showed up late so I don't have a huge opinion on her stance in the game yet, but I'm hoping she can become a power player again and really steps it up. I actually think that had she played more aggressively the first time, she wouldve easily won. Let's hope she does that here.

Dave Ball - Actually even though he's just arrived, I think on the dismantled Degei Tribe he stands a really great shot. He's eager to play, he's fresh and he is probably what Degei needs to kickstart their activity and gameplay. Looking forward to seeing wha the brings to the group and judging by his previous performance he's a great player. He and Christy actually have similar styles so maybe taht will be interesting to see play out. Will they team up? Go head to head?

Erinn - She's fucking bad ass, I hope she brings it this game. She told me that she just got caught up and lost her footing in Refuge. She really did not have a social game at all in that season. In Zambia, she should have won. Probably one of the most deserving 2nd placers who should have won. I'm hoping she can step it up and sink her teeth into the game like she did in Zambia. But so far it's not proving well. She hasn't bene around. I'm hoping that's just a scheduling conflict.

John - PLEASE SHOW UP. John has a great shot here if he can fucking show up. This tribe needs a balls ot the wall player AND THAT'S JOHN!!! But he's not fucking here :'(
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:39:46 pm


The dynamics on Turukawa are funny because everyone wants to play the game hard, these are all big wheelers and dealers, but no one is. They're too afraid to. I'll go again with who is interesting me most.

Dave - Dave's return to Stranded is nothing short of epic. This is his FIFTH time playing (holla katie) and he's the exact same Dave. The difference? he's had a lot more experience. I think maybe he's learned to finesse players better than he once had. Certainly more so than his first game, Stranded in Peru. What really strikes me about Dave is that he wants this, and that can really make a difference. He wants this to be his last game and thus wants to go out on a high note. I really hope he gets that. I hope he wins the whole fucking thing and that's why he's my pick here. He can do it. He's already charmed his whole tribe despite knowing who he is and being threatened by that. His friendship with Patricia is fucking hysterical, what a dynamic duo those two could be. I'm very interested to see where he takes this and if he plays it right, this could be his season.

Naonka - I really ~identify~ with Naonka. In fact people thought I was her in my most recent ~WINNING~ performance. So that does make me feel like she could go the distance here. She told me she's super excited for this and she wants this a lot and i have to respect that. Honestly not a lot of the legends here want it that badly so that's why I'm giving her and Dave the edge. Sure she's a trainwreck, but so was I and I learned to use that to my advantage. Who's to say Naonka can't too? Didn't she recently win another game, so maybe she's learning just like I had. She's a hopeless underdog and I'm hoping that changes here.

Mia - Mia's another Brenda. She's hosted and people know that. The oen thing going for Mia is that she's not a seasoned player like Brenda is. She doesn't have that reputation yet. I'm really rooting for her because she loves Stranded so much and this is important to her. Again, that's really important to me. That seems to be a recurring theme with this tribe, they all want it badly! She's not the best player, but she's great when she gets her footing so let's see. She's got a big advantage here with her friendships, but that could easily also be her biggest disadvantage. Time will tell.

Ben - Similar to the others, Ben was an unlikely pick that's always been itchign for another shot. So here he goes. I just love the players who want this so badly. He says he's going to give this his all and it's surreal for him to be playing again. I love that about him. He's genuine. He can be a sneaky bitch too and I love that even more. Let's see what happens there.

Paloma - Paloma's always teh underdog, but she's recently proven her worth in Refuge. She was a boss bitch in Zambia, easily one of the best players there amongst really great players. In Refuge, she was written off as inactive and a waste of casting. She worked her way out of that whole to be voted off as a threat! She's a smart shrewd social player and letting her get far is a mistake that people will make here. Merge.

Cirie - Cirie's a huge wild card, but she's kind of the Gervase of this season to me. She's a big character from an early season that didn't get much play after her poor performances. But why not give her another shot. She's a legend in the sense that she played in season 2 and all-stars1 and made a name for herself there. She's ultra strategic and does not want anyone to know that. Unfortunately she's playing as Cirie. However, I don't think anyone will be threatened by her so taht's going to work to her advantage. She's already one of the more interesting players because of her insecurities about being apart from the series and outside of the community for so long. She might as well be a completely new player amongst old friends. Love it.

Patricia - Snake and I love it. Coming off of the most recent season as being the biggest villain and headache for her tribesmates? LOVE IT. Teaming up with the most infamous snake and headache in the games history arguably? Love it even more. So looking forward to see how she and Dave interact and go forward. Hoping they make some serious waves in this game together. Merge.

Gregg - HILARIOUS. So excited hwen he agreed to play, really didn't think he would but I love that he likes this series. Reluctant to play, initially turned it down but I begged hard and he caved <3 THANKFULLy. Hoping for more colorblind moments here. He's so funny and I just love seeing him interact and troll. But let's not forget, he RAN guatuso after the swap. He controlled all votes and flipped back and forth and it was fuckign glorious. I'm really praying he gets the chance to do that again here. icon_wub
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:23:38 am

~Episode 2~

Well, Dave and Rudy, two big legends voted off. I was really pulling for Dave here, but obviously if inactivity was going to get the better of him, i'd rather him leave now. So Rudy and Dave are on exile and Mia comes along and votes out Dave, which I'm sure she is jerking herself off to at this very moment, although it's not a big accomplishment since he was inactive...

Rudy joins Turukawa and things finally start hitting the fan over there. Naonka nad Mia are amidst a power struggle and I give the edge to Naonka since Mia seems to have her blinders on. Naonka is really playing this season well and is becoming a huge power player on her small tribe. Rudy joining them will be very itneresting. He's certainly not dead in the water and I just love that now he has a vendetta against Sarah and Christy. Will make this game very interesting should the two meet up again.

On Masilaca, we have Gina and Frank being lied to by Ami. Ami is usually not one to flat out backstab people but here she is... and it was great. We've not seen Frank totally out of his league before. We're used to him being the cocky leader who always gets his way and runs things... but he's not playing with linda's anymore :P He's up against some of hte best players in ORG history. They proved that tonight. He was out-shouted, out-witted and overall outplayed. Erica and Taj demolished him in council, Ami and the others made him look like an utter fool around camp... this will be interesting. Seeing Frank on the run is not something we're used to and not something Frank is used to either, but welcome to Legends, Frank... you're playing with the big boys.

Brenda is voted out and it's a sad day for all Brenda fans, myself included. She's easily oneo f the most likable and threatening players of the series and we allw anted to see her dominate this season. Unfortunatley the players in the game did not and she was rightfully targetted. Although now that she is on Exile, anyone who does not boot the inactive Erinn gets major major cool point deductions. Seriously? always boot the inactive.

If that happens, I really hope Erinn comes back and just demolishes their game becuase it would be kharmatically hilarious.
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Linda Spencer » Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:20:13 am

Jeff Probst wrote:~Episode 2~

We're used to him being the cocky leader who always gets his way and runs things... but he's not playing with linda's anymore :P

icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface

who voted him out Probst?
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:08:29 pm

~Episode 03~

What a world-wind of an episode. This twist is actually working like gangbusters. If you look at the boots, we've managed to save huge targets that would have definitely been booted had this twist not taken place. Rudy and Brenda have definitely been given a new life. While this is not the most interesting thing to watch play out, it will set up a very interesting second half of the game. After this week we'll be down to 20 and a trimmed down version of the cast barring any casting duds. Then shit will really get real. We are starting to see some serious storyline build up so I'll go over those stories here starting with Degei.


Brenda - Definitely Brenda's cooling off stage. She has a huge storyline already built up. She's been blindsided by Satan's Sisters and will definitely be looking for blood after this. Now she can relax and build up her army for that time.

Sarah - Probably one of the most interesting stories thus far is Sarah. She's been bored of the inactivity and really twiddling her thumbs for days. But rest assured, Sarah would find a way to cause drama and I love hte bitch for it. Going head to head with a Stranded legend with absolutely no fear <3 Her and rudy's storyline will most definitely carry on when the tribes swap. Very much looking forward to what she does here. Despite that she's in a relatively good spot. I don't think she'll be the first Venezuelan targetted, she seems to be popular amongst her tribemates, so good on her.

Sean - Sean's the second most interesting storyline made more interesting last night when he was able to join Masilaca to boot one of the ties. Here's why that's interesting. I think it highlighted the fact that there are STILL 5 Venezuelans still in the game. Whats intersting about it is that there were two of his former tribemates there and here he is getting information on Masilaca's majority alliance. That's going to come back to bite him I think because he really did it so blatantly that I would definitely be threatened if I were Masilaca.

Willard - This guy is on fire. He's already started a core alliance with Sean and Sarah so he's solid on this tribe, and he's feuding with Rudy which I think will DEFINITELY come to a head soon. I suspect he will lose because Rudy has already ingratiated himself into the Turukawa clan and played the victim card as he does so well.

Christy - Christy's been pretty UTR so far, really looking forward to when she steps up, probably later in the game, and forms a solid alliance. Will be very interesting then. For now though... zzzz

John - Meh, needs to make a move this round like he pretends he will do.

Dave Ball - I'm really rooting for him to stay through tomorrow. If he does, I really think he'll have a good shot at causing some serious damage in this game.
He's already got beef with a lot of the legends from other games theyve played, and will really put a dent in thier plans going forward.


Teresa - You can't mention Masilaca without mentioning Teresa first. She is calling the shots here. Whoever she wants gone will be gone. You have to admire her for that. She's already taken out her major threats and absorbed the others like Ami, Taj, Katie nad Erica. She's got her own army and will be very dangerous going forward. She's building a comeuppance story though, which is bad for her. She will need to deflect that target going forward. I think she's going to be in trouble if she keeps booting people who are going to come back into the game on other tribes. The good thing is that they don't seem to be angry with HER as much as the other members of her alliance so from that aspect she's doing well. She will have to watch out for the Willards of the game who know her reputation and want blood for it.

Taj - Taj is all over hte place as usual. She wanted to tie up the Brenda boot, she flipped on this last boot I think... she's really a great character because while she is with Teresa, she is definitely her own player. She will vote however she sees fit. That will be very entertaining going forward. I think thought hat some of the players are starting to hold her responsible for the blindsides and not Teresa, which could come back to bite her.

Ami - Ami's game is very different this season. The first time she was viewed as a schemer and she was actually very loyal and a nice person. This season she seems to be using that as a weapon and betraying all of the people that trust her. This will make her very dangerous in the game but also very unlikely to win in the end. I predict that she will be in the final 3 and will have betrayed a majority of the jury and will become the new most hated player of Stranded. Love that and I hope she owns it.

Erica - Erica's a case of... can she make it far? She wouldn't be a bad player if she did... I think she has a great shot at this. If she makes the merge, she will not be in the firing line AND iff she makes it to the end she could claim that she was outspoken and was ballsy the whole way thorugh similar to how I did in crashcourse. That means she has a great shot at this so I would definitely look out for Erica. I'm saying deep merge boot for her. She has no enemies.

Katie - Katie is making enemies left and right, but she's sitll a hilarious player. She's going to be UTR in this until she makes it deep. We will see her implode when trying to finally make a move a la Rivals. she's playing almost a mirrored game of that season and it will be hilarious and epic. She alwasy delivers so if she's a bit UTR now, just wait for it <3


Frank - Frank on the run is a glorious thing to witness. We're not used to this. He said it himself, he's playing in a whole 'nother league than he was last game. I think he's slowly realizing that these players are great and he's going to have to adapt if he wants to make it through. We saw that last night and believe it or not I think he's earned the respect of a lot of these legends after finally stepping it up. He's getting a classic Stranded schooling and whether he realizes it or not it will make him a better player. He is no longer the same Frank after last night, he will very soon ramp it up into Legendary status and I think that will be a great transformation to watch. It's the reason why I do these, seeing a new all-star become a Stranded legend playing with previous stranded legends. I am so excited to see how he evolves from here on out.

More to come...
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:39:46 pm

~Episode 03~ (continued)


Rudy - Rudy's the most interesting thing happening here as of right now... He's an underdog and I really want to see if he can start owning people like he did long ago. Rudy's incredibly likable, so it's odd when he comes out and starts backstabbing and fucking over everyone he's made genuine friendships with. That seems to be happening yet again. I think he will be Teresa's main competition going into the next stage, and that will be something to see...

Mia - Mia's really lost some respect in my eyes. But when I think back on it, she was always kinda the villain that made really poor social choices. She needs to start being more righteous becuase if she was then she could offset that horrible personality and become epic. Things like... wanting to boot Brenda over an inactive Erinn. WEAK. Thinking you are controlling the tribe, but then asking people what to do: WEAK. She really needs to stop drinking the weaksauce because otherwise she would be amazing. I think she gets insecure and paranoid and starts fucking up. Not a way to win the game... i think Patty will have her eating out of her hands soon enough.

Patricia - She really is a good player and you can see it in this. She's going to excel in this season because everyone is going to be overplaying it, however she's one of hte few (minus Rudy, Sarah, Teresa) that have perfected overplaying and are expecting it. She's in her element when she's going between different alliances and because this is all-stars and there are bound to be plenty of them, she should do very well here.

Naonka - I sitll love Naonka here. For my money, she is the Mia that Mia needs to be. She's got hte poor personality that rubs people the wrong way, but she's started to own it and has gone from paranoid mess to making movies and just going for it. That's what Mia needs to do. Maybe if hse hangs out with Naonka enough she can learn that, but I really think this is Naonka's game to lose now.

Paloma - Paloma may be playing the best social game i've seen her play in her 4 times out here. I think it might even be too good, to the point where people will start viewing her as a threat. But right now she's initiating alliances, making side deals nad people aren't really bothered by it. She's a strong player and i can't wait to see if HBIC Paloma from Zambia rears her ugly head becuase it could be glorious. She reminds me a lot of Rudy in that respect. See above.

Cirie - Cirie's starting slowly but surely to dip her feet in. Her Rudy and Paloma have all made a "Fake" alliance, which really just means a real alliance tha tpeople know about. If you think about it, theyre all kind of the same players. Super social players that have been proven to cut their allies throats when they least expect it. so the question becomes: which of these three will betray the others first? Or maybe theyll all stick together and betray everyone else? I dont know but don't let their likability fool you, these are some of the most dangerous players in Stranded history, and its fun to see them working together (at least for now)

Gregg - Again, i'm still hoping to see Guatuso Gregg rear his ugly head, because when he is the swing vote... he is AH MAZING <3 Let's see if we ever reach that level or if people view him as too big of a joke and boot him early.


Ben - WTF, goodbye.

Gina - Gina, like Frank, has reached a new level. I cast her in this because I saw that she could be a strategic mastermind, and i know that traditionally those people excel in all-star games. Carl made the remark to me that I didn't even catch until after he said it... She almost saved herself last night. She switched her vote last minute from Erica to Frank and in the process caused a tie vote which could have very well resulted in Frank leaving and her staying put. She's very very smart and very perceptive and I predict will make a huge impact on this game. We have not seen the last of Gina, adn I really think by the end of this game she will reach legend status and could very well win the whole show.
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:45:00 pm

~Episode 04~

Just wanted to touch on some things before we go, but wHAT THE FUCK <333333 MASILACA <33333

Now THAT is a Stranded Council comprised of Legends. I love the education of Frank. It's like some epic movie where your new favorites meet the wise old veterans and learns that they really dont know much. But what's fun about this is that Frank is really starting to admire Teresa and wants to be like her! Teresa is also starting to admire Frank and sees herself in him. So that's going to be REALLY fun to watch going forward. I don't know where they go from here, but that is a storyline that I will be following very closely.
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:23:24 pm

~Episode 05~

So I'm loving the new tribes. Very happy that Dave Ball went obviously! I can't decide if there are just less interesting players on Turukawa or just nothing going on there yet to write home about. I'm going to go with the latter. I think that both tribes are chocked full of amazing players and it should be very interesting to watch now that there are no inactives in the game.

I'm sad to see Sean go, but if I'm honest ,he wasn't really going at it like he did the season before. Granted, he thought he was safe and didn't have to, kudos to the coven for keeping that underwraps and also booting out a strong competitor with an idol, although they probably didn't realize it at the time.

I'm very pleased with the tribe make up NOW, but I'm concerned with how this twist will play out. On one hand, I'm glad that it's saving some of hte people who were in the bottom, that's what it's intended for. On the other, I didn't mean for it to be a way to have one tribe down to nothing by teh time we merge. As it stands now, it's 10 to 8. Someone will be voted off of Degei and most likely someone else will mutiny. That will make it 11 to 6. That ain't good. Because that means if someone else were to switch it would become 12 to 4. At which point we would have to swap things up (although we have planned a swap for that episode anyway).

I wonder though, is that kind of fair due for the people who are pagonging others? Kind of like... well now you've fucked yourself because you made everyone swap on you... I don't know, it will be interesting to see it play out though.
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Carl Bilancione » Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:31:49 pm

I have a fix for next round if they go up to 11-5, btw. I'll talk to you on AIM about it. (And it's yet another twist from Stranded's past.)
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:23:27 pm

~Episode 08~

Watching Cirie finally step up and take the game into her hands is really making me fan myself far. Up until this point, she, Willard and John have all been playing it low key, but now to see them all discussing using Teresa to their advantage and breaking up mia/patricia/gregg/naonka is really making me fan myself hard. I'm loving that this season has become the season of evolution for a lot of players. We have All-stars becoming Legends and now we have older Legends adapting to the new style of gameplay. It's really fun to watch all of these different players against one another. I think the fact that Cirie does not know any of the other players iwll give her a slight advantage now in the end game. For one, she won't be a target, and for another, she's a smart player! They don't know her to be one, they probably see her as a sheep thus far, so seeing her being able to make moves will be fun and they will be unbiased moves because she can see from an outsiders perspective: okay these players are together and we arent with them"
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Lindsey Richter » Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:52:16 pm

I love Cirie. She's just so endearing and sweet.
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:49:30 am

I haven't done a complete rundown in a while so I'll do that for Episode 10

~Episode 09~


I'll get this out of the way since there hasn't been much going on here since they've been winning.

Mostly I'll speak on the potential of things to come instead of what has actually happened since not much has actually happened.

Ami - I just love Ami, her going home pre-merge would be a travesty although it seems almost certain, Teresa has proven in this game time and time again that nothing is certain. I don't see why they keep pushing for a Sarah boot instead of trying to get her with them. She is clearly the odd person out but Ami seems to really dislike her. Here's what would really suck about Ami's storyline. She seems to have grown the most in this season. She went from ignoring her heart and just being apart of the legends (teresa/taj/erica) and backstabbing people she was friends with to genuinely caring about the people she was playing against and starting to play more with her heart (saving Mia and others). Although Mia is now gone, that storyline seems unresolved. She should be rewarded for putting her neck out and sticking up for peopel she cares about, not voted out immediately afterwards, but we'll see what happens there. Either way, Ami's a legend, not an all-star, I constantly confuse the two with her because she's such an amazing player and character<333

Brenda - Brenda's situation is unique because she's literally been off the radar completely since she was voted off of Masilaca. I'm actually bored of her now and I never thought that would happen. After rooting so hard for her to survive that first council, I'm now completely not invested in her storyline. That's actually really good gameplay for her to completely diminish that target, but I still would like to see Brenda playing so the merge will be a welcomed change of pace for her. She definitely cannot hide forever.

Gina - I had higher hopes for Gina than what I've seen. The one thing I'm banking on with her is that she wont be able to just coast to the end and win. She has to earn that win. i'm just hoping she realizes that because I don't think any legends will be rewarding UTR players this season.

Frank - Frank has a decent shot at this. He's grown a lot as a player this season. I just hope he can refocus. I'm worried that Frank will get too caught up on Teresa and the others (his dragon as he calls her <3 epic). He's got a great storyline there though and seeing him and Teresa go head to head yet again in the merge will be glorious. Cannot wait for that.

Paloma - Paloma's another one who has to work hard to win. She's an amazing player and i'm not sure if people realize that yet, but they will shortly I'm assuming. I love her storylines with Taj (frienemies from s10) and her bonds with everyone. I just wonder if she has the balls and the knowledge to get the job done, but I would love to see her start owning this shit again.

Rudy - Rudy's a star, but in this is quickly becoming everyone's aggravation. He's not being King Rudy and I think he needs to be or peopel will not take him seriously and he'll end up getting an early merge boot. We all know he can be a devastating player in this game, he's done it time and time again... the question is, Will he be able to do it this time? I just don't know. He's played very UTR, very behind the scenes, and that's not the Rudy we all love to see and that's not a Rudy that I see doing very well here. Let's hope he channels his old self come the merger.

Taj - Taj is a star as always, and actually I give Taj an edge at actually going the distance here. She has great realtionships in this game and despite being a target, everyone seems to really lik eher. She's genuine and I think everyone senses that. She will definitely be one to watch in the merge and I'm so glad we will get to see here there <3

Sarah - Sarah's the one aside from Ami and Frank with probably the biggest storyline on Turukawa. She's gotten to break a tie vote between Teresa and Patricia this past episode which was glorious comeuppance for Patricia from last season. Her partnership with Teresa is the most interesting since they are incredibly similar players. The odd part is i don't see them getting along very well and that will be very fun to watch later on in the game. I definitely want ot see them interact though. Will they team up? I don't know but I sure as hell will be glued to my screen. So far, amazingly, Sarah has been underestimated and almost pushed to the side here. In the merge though I really see her becoming a huge FOIL to a lot of people's plans and that will be fun to see. Sarah not being the center of attention? Only in Legends...


Cirie - I've said it time and time again, but Cirie has really earned her spot here now. She's making moves and calling shots. She's got multiple alliances and along with Gregg she has decided who has gone home every council on Degei. She really surprised me and seemed to have learned the game quickly by ousting Mia and Patricia instead of the obvious Teresa/Naonka boots. I really think that was a great move for her (and also super entertaining) so we'll see what happens there, but if Cirie continues her quiet swing vote role, she will make it far and will help shape the future of this game. if she can continue that she will deserve to win hands down.

Gregg - Gregg's playing a similar game to how he played in Costa Rica and he's really not happy about it. the thing is, i think it's a great game for him to be playing. He's in the perfect position and he's only pissed off one or two other players. He's not viewed as untrustworthy yet and in the merge he's not going to be a target so why not dictate who goes now. He's super entertaining and he knows that he has the game by the balls. He was playing coy with the last vote becuase he knew we were all waiting on his vote to see who would go home. He caused a tie just cause... it was amazeballs. Gregg has delivered ever since the last swap and it's been so amazing to watch. Guatuso Gregg is back in full force and it's glorious. /alliteration

John - John's been a wildcard in this game. He's been talking about 14th boot this whole game and some secret followers would say that by putting that energy out there he's almost willing himself to get 14th place yet again. The time is now, will he get the boot? It's quite likely. He's actually not a horrible player, but he's been more one sided than ever in this game. Usually he's in Gregg's position of not really giving a fuck what happens and changing votes up just to do it. BUt this season he did care and it ended him up on the wrong side of the boots. Now he's up against hte wall with Gregg deciding his fate yet again icon_laughing We'll see what happens for good ol' John. In some respects he's the least active so I kind of want him to go, in others he's entertaining in his wildcard state and I would feel bad if he got 14th again, but what the hell...

Teresa - What cannot be said about Teresa. Anyone watching can see that this is her game. After two amazing incredible stunning shocking glorious Tribal Councils on par with any in the history of Stranded... it's hard to not root for her. She's been owning the fuck out of this season adn the fact that she is still here is fucking incredible. the past two councils i didn't give her a shot in hell of making it out alive. I thought for sure she was toast but she proved me adn everyone else wrong and managed to pull it out. She deserves all the credit here (and I am sure she will let everyone know that) But... seriously the bitch is good and anyone watching this would tell you the same thing, it's nothing short of miraculous.

Naonka - Naonka actually is in a much better spot than Teresa. If she can keep her shit together and not melt down, she's got the makings of a winner here. I don't know if she can actually see that or that she needs to, but she won't be a target and she's playing incredibly well. With Teresa by her side she's done remarkable things in this game and she will be very dangerous in the merge.

Willard - Willard, like Cirie, are unlikely players here. They're not the most notable legends in Stranded history, but theyve both earned their spots here for sure. Willard was overshaddowed both times he played before by Scout and went home early in Rivals. We're finally getting to see him on his own and he has been completely on his own almost hte whole game. He's been much smarter about working against Teresa and company than his other allies (mia, patricia) and he's still here because of that. I'm secretly hoping John goes and Willard makes the merge because I'd love to see what he does on his own there and i think he's earned it. He's played a hard game and it's been a long and hard road for him so far and I can tell it's starting to get to him. He is a great player though and will make the most of this game while he's still here. So good luck to him, I'm rooting for him!!
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:39:43 pm

~Episode 11~

So I can't exactly say that I'm disappointed by Taj's boot, because she did really well here and played a full game I feel. I'll say though that I can never have enough Taj and seeing more of her would've been welcomed. I think she was beginning to turn against Teresa and watching that play out would have been really amazing. It's probably for the best that it didn't happen though. She wasn't a major player in this YET, and that's definitely not to say she couldn't have been because we all know she could have. I'm satisfied with her exit, we've gotten enough out of her. The same could be said for anyone who has made the merge too. Even if it were Teresa, that wouldve been a good and epic place for her to be booted.

Teresa, Teresa, Teresa... I've said it before and I'll say it again and again, this is her season and really it being her third time out and owning in Rivals and now undeniably doing well again, it's hard to argue against. I won't spend too much time on Teresa here because not much happened with her honestly. What will be interesting is what happens NEXT. Can she escape that obvious target that's coming for her? I don't know.

Willard. I'm bringing up Willard because I feel like he played a crucial role here. Not in the sense that he decided who would go home, but this was the first time almost all season that things have gone his way. That's a satisfying plot twist for Willard after being duped time and time again by Cirie and Gregg on Degei. Maybe this is the start of a new game for him.

Brenda - I'm not sure if it's intentional but Brenda's playing a pretty weak game in the sense that I don't think she knows waht's going on and she's gliding through here. That won't get her the win. The fact of the matter is though, that she will be a target sooner or later. Will she rise to that occasion?

Rudy - That brings up Rudy because he's in a similar boat. Both of these players are ruthless but have been taking the easy road here and that almost never results in a win. They both need to start bringing it hard. The difference? I'm hoping that Taj's boot is a wake up call for Rudy. He will not be able to coast much longer.

Sarah - The return of Sarah. It's been a long time coming, we've seen a small glimpse of it in the tie breaker, but now she's back and it's glorious. She's fighting with Teresa, Naonka, in some ways getting schooled by them, but hell it's better than not doing anything. She's going to be a figther here, that's for sure. She even said it herself, no more dull Sarah. This is the Sarah we all want to see and I'm glad she's made the merge so we could see it.

Gina - Gina is actually beginning to step it up a bit. We'll see if she can begin making moves on her own a la Frank (who learned a thing or two from Masilaca). She has an idol, her confidence level is at an all time high, whcih means she's probably setting herself up for a fall eventually. She is smart though, we'll see. I'm hoping she starts putting her neck on the line and playing for the win instead of the rudy/brenda treatment. I think that's the start of this.

Paloma & Frank - I've lumped these two together because they're very similar and very different. Paloma and Frank are both calling the shots now. They will for a little while dictate who goes and as long as they can stay on top of it and outmove eachother, they both have a great shot at taking this game. Frank would actually make for the best winner here next to Naonka/Teresa because he's run the full gamut. He's been on the outs, in the majority, blindsided, bullied, controlling, everything. This has been a big season for him emotionally and storyline wise. Paloma is the opposite in that she's been going through the motions, but she's fucking smart. She I think has Frank's ear and may be the true Oz here. Will people see it? I doubt it.

Cirie and Gregg - Cirie has fallen back into old habits since the merge. Gregg too. Hiding for too long will not be a good move for them. Ideally they field their options and call the shots for a bit. They're now just going with the flow. The problem with this is that no one trusts them after they had been previously calling the shots. Willard's already done with them. They needed to stay in that swing vote position here and they didnt. Would not be surprsied to see that catch up to them.

Naonka - Believe it or not, i really think this is Naonka's game to lose. She's by far in the best position of anyone. Sure she's on the outs, but she's not seen as a socail or strategic thread, and she really should be. She's a good player and I really feel like she'll be in the f7 for sure, I think she would deserve it too after being to Tribal Council the most times in the game along with Teresa.
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Ami » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:05:21 pm

Jeff icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub

Thank you for the kind storyline was so messed up this season icon_laughing I'm glad you noticed that at one point I used my previous stigma of "someone who really can be trusted, despite what you think" to my advantage in the beginning. Am I really a Legend? icon_weep I thought I didn't make the cut this time!
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Rudy » Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:02:57 am

Thanks for your perspective on things, Jeff. i'm not the same top notch player I was when I started ORGing 6 years ago. King Rudy was out for the win which is why I was arguably so close to winning the majority of games I participated in.

I'm old now and I just don't give a fuck. lol
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby Patricia » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:25:41 am

Losing Dave day 2 took a lot of the wind out of my sails... But reading about Cirie's evolution in these blogs... Amazing job.
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Re: Jeff's Queefs

Postby John » Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:17:53 am

Sorry to disappoint you mate,
I commenced a new position days before this game started so being here live was quite difficult for me. I still managed to log on and show my presence even though I couldn't participate because I was teaching a class of 32 kids so reading shit wasn't the easiest hence my fuck up with Sean.

Not gonna lie but they did me a favour in voting me out. I did still try and I feel I gave it my best considering the circumstances but making moves and being in control and on the ball with what was going on was something I couldn't do this season as I was on class.

AND I am very proud of scoring 14th for a third time. I was originally hoping to beat it but I am glad I got the same finish. Maybe 4th time I might make the jury, perhaps make the jury from 14th place?
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