I haven't done a complete rundown in a while so I'll do that for Episode 10
~Episode 09~
I'll get this out of the way since there hasn't been much going on here since they've been winning.
Mostly I'll speak on the potential of things to come instead of what has actually happened since not much has actually happened.
Ami - I just love Ami, her going home pre-merge would be a travesty although it seems almost certain, Teresa has proven in this game time and time again that nothing is certain. I don't see why they keep pushing for a Sarah boot instead of trying to get her with them. She is clearly the odd person out but Ami seems to really dislike her. Here's what would really suck about Ami's storyline. She seems to have grown the most in this season. She went from ignoring her heart and just being apart of the legends (teresa/taj/erica) and backstabbing people she was friends with to genuinely caring about the people she was playing against and starting to play more with her heart (saving Mia and others). Although Mia is now gone, that storyline seems unresolved. She should be rewarded for putting her neck out and sticking up for peopel she cares about, not voted out immediately afterwards, but we'll see what happens there. Either way, Ami's a legend, not an all-star, I constantly confuse the two with her because she's such an amazing player and character<333
Brenda - Brenda's situation is unique because she's literally been off the radar completely since she was voted off of Masilaca. I'm actually bored of her now and I never thought that would happen. After rooting so hard for her to survive that first council, I'm now completely not invested in her storyline. That's actually really good gameplay for her to completely diminish that target, but I still would like to see Brenda playing so the merge will be a welcomed change of pace for her. She definitely cannot hide forever.
Gina - I had higher hopes for Gina than what I've seen. The one thing I'm banking on with her is that she wont be able to just coast to the end and win. She has to earn that win. i'm just hoping she realizes that because I don't think any legends will be rewarding UTR players this season.
Frank - Frank has a decent shot at this. He's grown a lot as a player this season. I just hope he can refocus. I'm worried that Frank will get too caught up on Teresa and the others (his dragon as he calls her <3 epic). He's got a great storyline there though and seeing him and Teresa go head to head yet again in the merge will be glorious. Cannot wait for that.
Paloma - Paloma's another one who has to work hard to win. She's an amazing player and i'm not sure if people realize that yet, but they will shortly I'm assuming. I love her storylines with Taj (frienemies from s10) and her bonds with everyone. I just wonder if she has the balls and the knowledge to get the job done, but I would love to see her start owning this shit again.
Rudy - Rudy's a star, but in this is quickly becoming everyone's aggravation. He's not being King Rudy and I think he needs to be or peopel will not take him seriously and he'll end up getting an early merge boot. We all know he can be a devastating player in this game, he's done it time and time again... the question is, Will he be able to do it this time? I just don't know. He's played very UTR, very behind the scenes, and that's not the Rudy we all love to see and that's not a Rudy that I see doing very well here. Let's hope he channels his old self come the merger.
Taj - Taj is a star as always, and actually I give Taj an edge at actually going the distance here. She has great realtionships in this game and despite being a target, everyone seems to really lik eher. She's genuine and I think everyone senses that. She will definitely be one to watch in the merge and I'm so glad we will get to see here there <3
Sarah - Sarah's the one aside from Ami and Frank with probably the biggest storyline on Turukawa. She's gotten to break a tie vote between Teresa and Patricia this past episode which was glorious comeuppance for Patricia from last season. Her partnership with Teresa is the most interesting since they are incredibly similar players. The odd part is i don't see them getting along very well and that will be very fun to watch later on in the game. I definitely want ot see them interact though. Will they team up? I don't know but I sure as hell will be glued to my screen. So far, amazingly, Sarah has been underestimated and almost pushed to the side here. In the merge though I really see her becoming a huge FOIL to a lot of people's plans and that will be fun to see. Sarah not being the center of attention? Only in Legends...
DegeiCirie - I've said it time and time again, but Cirie has really earned her spot here now. She's making moves and calling shots. She's got multiple alliances and along with Gregg she has decided who has gone home every council on Degei. She really surprised me and seemed to have learned the game quickly by ousting Mia and Patricia instead of the obvious Teresa/Naonka boots. I really think that was a great move for her (and also super entertaining) so we'll see what happens there, but if Cirie continues her quiet swing vote role, she will make it far and will help shape the future of this game. if she can continue that she will deserve to win hands down.
Gregg - Gregg's playing a similar game to how he played in Costa Rica and he's really not happy about it. the thing is, i think it's a great game for him to be playing. He's in the perfect position and he's only pissed off one or two other players. He's not viewed as untrustworthy yet and in the merge he's not going to be a target so why not dictate who goes now. He's super entertaining and he knows that he has the game by the balls. He was playing coy with the last vote becuase he knew we were all waiting on his vote to see who would go home. He caused a tie just cause... it was amazeballs. Gregg has delivered ever since the last swap and it's been so amazing to watch. Guatuso Gregg is back in full force and it's glorious. /alliteration
John - John's been a wildcard in this game. He's been talking about 14th boot this whole game and some secret followers would say that by putting that energy out there he's almost willing himself to get 14th place yet again. The time is now, will he get the boot? It's quite likely. He's actually not a horrible player, but he's been more one sided than ever in this game. Usually he's in Gregg's position of not really giving a fuck what happens and changing votes up just to do it. BUt this season he did care and it ended him up on the wrong side of the boots. Now he's up against hte wall with Gregg deciding his fate yet again
We'll see what happens for good ol' John. In some respects he's the least active so I kind of want him to go, in others he's entertaining in his wildcard state and I would feel bad if he got 14th again, but what the hell...
Teresa - What cannot be said about Teresa. Anyone watching can see that this is her game. After two amazing incredible stunning shocking glorious Tribal Councils on par with any in the history of Stranded... it's hard to not root for her. She's been owning the fuck out of this season adn the fact that she is still here is fucking incredible. the past two councils i didn't give her a shot in hell of making it out alive. I thought for sure she was toast but she proved me adn everyone else wrong and managed to pull it out. She deserves all the credit here (and I am sure she will let everyone know that) But... seriously the bitch is good and anyone watching this would tell you the same thing, it's nothing short of miraculous.
Naonka - Naonka actually is in a much better spot than Teresa. If she can keep her shit together and not melt down, she's got the makings of a winner here. I don't know if she can actually see that or that she needs to, but she won't be a target and she's playing incredibly well. With Teresa by her side she's done remarkable things in this game and she will be very dangerous in the merge.
Willard - Willard, like Cirie, are unlikely players here. They're not the most notable legends in Stranded history, but theyve both earned their spots here for sure. Willard was overshaddowed both times he played before by Scout and went home early in Rivals. We're finally getting to see him on his own and he has been completely on his own almost hte whole game. He's been much smarter about working against Teresa and company than his other allies (mia, patricia) and he's still here because of that. I'm secretly hoping John goes and Willard makes the merge because I'd love to see what he does on his own there and i think he's earned it. He's played a hard game and it's been a long and hard road for him so far and I can tell it's starting to get to him. He is a great player though and will make the most of this game while he's still here. So good luck to him, I'm rooting for him!!